Changing volume protection settings

Volume protection prevents active volumes or host mappings from being deleted inadvertently if the system detects recent I/O activity. This global setting is enabled by default on new systems. You can either set this value to apply to all volumes that are configured on your system, or control whether the system-level volume protection is enabled or disabled on specific pools.

About this task

Use the chsystem command to set an interval at which the volume must be idle before it can be deleted from the system. Any command that is affected by this setting fails. If the -force parameter is used, the deletion fails if the volume is not idle for the specified interval. In the management GUI, select Settings > System > Volume Protection to manage volume protection values on the system and on specific pools. You must have the SecurityAdmin or Administrator role to change volume protection settings.

The system-wide volume protection and the pool-level protection must both be enabled for protection to be active on a pool. The pool-level protection depends on the system-level setting to ensure that protection is applied consistently for volumes within that pool. If system-level protection is enabled, but pool-level protection is not enabled, any volumes in the pool can be deleted even when the setting is configured at the system level.

The following commands are affected by this setting:
  • rmvdisk
  • rmvdiskcopy
  • rmvvolume
  • rmvdiskhostmap
  • rmvolumehostclustermap
  • rmmdiskgrp
  • rmhostiogrp
  • rmhost
  • rmhostcluster
  • rmhostport
  • mkrcrelationship

To change the volume protection setting at the system level or the pool level, complete the following steps:


  1. To change the system-wide value, issue svctask chsystem -vdiskprotectionenabled yes -vdiskprotectiontime 60.
    The parameter -vdiskprotectionenabled yes enables volume protection and the -vdiskprotectiontime parameter indicates how long a volume must be inactive before it can be deleted. Volumes can be deleted only if they are inactive for over 60 minutes.
  2. To change the pool-wide value, issue svctask chmdiskgrp -name <name> -vdiskprotectionenabled yes
    The interval that is specified at the system-wide level is used for the volumes in the pool.