Upgrading compiled rulesets to a new version of Datacap

About this task

An application's compiled rulesets are not automatically upgraded when you upgrade to a new Datacap version. You must manually replace an application's old compiled rulesets with new compiled rulesets.
Note: A common indication that a ruleset needs to be upgraded is that the ruleset displays with a red icon in Datacap studio.


Replace all ruleset.dll files in your application \Rules directory with the new DLL file from the \Datacap\RRS directory.

For example, manually copy CreateDocuments.Rul.dll from the \Datacap\RSS folder to Datacap\APT\dco_APT\Rules folder and replace the old DLL file.

After CreateDocuments.Rul.dll is copied to the application \Rules folder, the existing configuration settings are used. If you want to reset the ruleset settings, copy the configuration file, CreateDocuments.Rul.dll.config from the \RSS folder to the application's \Rules folder.

Table 1. List of compiled rulesets and DLLs
Ruleset name Ruleset DLL
Create Documents CreateDocuments.Rul.dll
Convert Files To Images Image_Convert.Rul.dll
Create TIFF or PDF ImageCreate.Rul.dll
Export To FileNet ExportToFileNet.Rul.dll
Export To IBMCM ExportToIBMCM.Rul.dll
Export To CSV ExportToCSV.Rul.dll
Identify Pages IdentifyPages.Rul.dll
Image Enhancement ImageEnhancement.Rul.dll
Import Files ImportFiles.Rul.dll
Populate Fields Using Keywords Populate_Fields_Using_Keywords.Rul.dll
Recognize Pages And Fields RecognizePagesAndFields.Rul.dll
Validate Fields ValidateFields.Rul.dll