Upgrading Datacap applications to 9.1.0

You can upgrade the Datacap applications to 9.1.0.


To upgrade your Datacap application to 9.1.0, complete the following steps:

  1. Ensure to take full backup of the Admin, Engine, and Fingerprint database tables.
  2. Ensure that the Admin, Engine, and Fingerprint databases are transferred to SQL Server, Oracle, and DB2.
  3. Run the installer to install IBM Datacap 9.1.0.
    Note: You do not need to uninstall IBM Datacap 9.0.1 before upgrade.
  4. Use any of the following three cases for migration of Datacap 9.0.1 applications to 9.1.0. You might need to update database schemas. Two cases require DB changes and one does not require changes to the DB.
    • Case A - Upgrade from 9.0.1 to 9.1 does not require DB schema changes.
    • Case B - If you upgrade from Taskmaster 8.1 or 9.0 to 9.1, you must complete the DB migration steps for 9.0 upgrade to 9.0.1. For more information, see Updating Microsoft Access database schemas from Datacap V9.0 to V9.0.1.
    • Case C - If you upgrade Datacap applications from Taskmaster 8.0.1 to 9.1, you must complete all the following process:
      Note: A bug-fix or an enhancement that is added to a ruleset DLL is not available in an application until the updated ruleset DLL is manually copied from the RRS folder to the application Rules folder. If your application contains any of the following rulesets, you must manually copy the updated versions of the rulesets to your application's Rules folder: Populate Fields Using Keywords, ExportToBoxRul, ImportFromBoxRul, and RecognizePagesAndFieldsRul.
  5. Open the \Datacap\rrs folder, and copy and paste the following files into the Rules folder of your application. For example, your application’s Rules folder can be \Datacap\TravelDocs\dco_TravelDocs\Rules\:
    • Populate_Fields_Using_Keywords.Rul.dll
    • ExportToBoxRul.dll
    • ImportFromBoxRul.dll
    • RecognizePagesAndFieldsRul.dll
  6. After the upgrade is complete, restart the computer.
  7. Rebuild and reinstall your customized Datacap Desktop panels, if any. The Datacap Desktop panels are for use with IBM Datacap 9.1.

What to do next

After you upgrade Datacap applications to 9.1.0, complete the following steps:
  1. Validate that the upgrade to 9.1.0 is successful with no errors.
  2. Validate that the Install.log contains no errors or warnings.
  3. For each application upgraded to 9.1.0, validate that batch records are intact and have identical details compared with 9.0.1 FP2 using the following clients:
    • Datacap Desktop
    • Datacap Studio
    • Fastdoc
    • TMWeb
    • RV2