Logging on to the Asset Health application

Log on to access the IBM® Insights Foundation for Energy user interface.

Before you begin

Contact your local administrator to obtain your user ID and password. Your administrator is responsible for ensuring that you have the security access level that is appropriate to your role in your organization. Your administrator will also supply you with the web address URL for accessing the solution portal.

About this task

Use the following procedure to start a new browser session and access IBM Insights Foundation for Energy.


  1. Enter the URL into the address field of the browser.
    Note: The fully qualified domain name is required in the URL, for example, https://web_hostname/wps/myportal where web_hostname is the host name of the web server. If you use the IP address instead of the registered fully qualified domain name, some windows do not open correctly. Also, if you do not use the https protocol, the link is redirected to use the https protocol.
  2. On the login page, enter your user ID and password.
  3. Click Log In.
  4. Click the down arrow at the top left hand corner, and click Energy > Asset Health.


Only the pages, features, and data that you have permission to access are displayed. Contact your administrator if you require more access.