IBM InfoSphere Information Server, Version 11.7 Fix Pack 1, release notes

These release notes contain information to ensure the successful installation and operation of IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server, Version 11.7 Fix Pack 1. Last updated 29 May 2018.



InfoSphere Information Server, Version 11.7 Fix Pack 1, includes updates to the following products, components, or features:
  • IBM BigIntegrate (InfoSphere Information Server for Hadoop)
  • IBM InfoSphere Information Analyzer
  • IBM InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog
  • Information Server Enterprise Search
  • IBM DataStage® Flow Designer

New in this release

For information about what is new and changed in Version 11.7. Fix Pack 1, refer to New features and changes for Version 11.7 Fix Pack 1 .

Visit the new Information Server Content Hub for an improved information experience. The Information Server Content Hub's format allows you to quickly view the essential tasks and topics and makes search, navigation, and other tasks very easy.

System requirements

The Version 11.7 installation program performs a system requirements check and provides a report on the status of your computer. The generic link to the IBM Software Product Compatibility Reports (SPCR) tool is below. You can access the tool for any product and obtain the supported operating systems, system requirements, and optional supported software for your product version.

Click this link to go to the SPCR tool: Detailed system requirements for a specific product

Then choose the following options to obtain the supported operating systems, system requirements, and optional supported software for your product version.
  1. Select the product you are installing.
  2. Select the version you are installing.
  3. Select your operating system.

Fix lists

For a summary list of fixes that are included in Version, see the fix list document.

Latest version of software

To verify that you install the latest version of the software for your installation environment, see the Knowledge Collection on the IBM Support Portal.

Installing Version 11.7

For information about installing Version 11.7, see the installation documentation.

Installing Version 11.7 Fix Pack 1

Version 11.7 Fix Pack 1 is available to install as a fix pack. For information about installing Version 11.7 Fix Pack 1 on a system where Version 11.7 is already installed, see this installation documentation or the download document.

Uninstalling Version 11.7 Fix Pack 1

Version 11.7 Fix Pack 1 cannot be uninstalled. You must restore to your latest Version 11.7 backup to remove the fix pack. For detailed backup and restore instructions, see the knowledge center.

Known problems

To review known problems for Version 11.7 Fix Pack 1, see Known problems and limitations in InfoSphere Information Server, Version As problems are discovered and resolved, the IBM Support team updates the knowledge base. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems. View additional known problems in the form of individual technotes, techdocs, or APARs in the Support knowledge base at

More information

See the IBM Knowledge Center for additional information.