Configuring InfoSphere Information Analyzer

After InfoSphere® Information Analyzer is installed, you must complete additional configuration steps before you can use it. You should also validate any settings created during installation.

Before you begin

It is assumed that the following has occurred:
  • InfoSphere Information Analyzer is installed.
  • The InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database is already created, and its configuration details were specified during the InfoSphere Information Server installation process or with the installation scripts that are provided on the installation media.
  • The analysis database exists, and a JDBC data source for the analysis database exists in WebSphere® Application Server. If the analysis database that you are planning to use was created during the installation process of InfoSphere Information Analyzer, version 11.3, then this JDBC data source was created automatically. If the analysis database that you are planning to use is a different database, that was not created during the installation process of InfoSphere Information Analyzer, version 11.3, then follow the instructions in Configuring a JDBC data source for the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database to create this JDBC data source.
  • A data source that contains the data that you want to analyze exists and is accessible locally or over a computer network.
  • You reviewed the analysis database settings and verified that InfoSphere Information Analyzer database users are granted access to read and write to the analysis database. Review the SQL scripts that are provided in the installation package to verify that InfoSphere Information Analyzer database users have full access to the analysis database.
To complete InfoSphere Information Analyzer configuration, do the following tasks:


  1. Assign required security roles.
    The following roles are required for different steps in the configuration process:
    Steps Required roles
    Configuring data connections to the data source Database administrator for the database

    Creating a data connection to the analysis database

    Information Analyzer Data Administrator


    Common Metadata Importer or Common Metadata Administrator

    Configuring global analysis settings and configuring the analysis database settings Information Analyzer Data Administrator
    Creating a project and configuring project-level settings Information Analyzer Project Administrator
    Configuring the project dashboard One of the following roles: Information Analyzer Data Administrator, Information Analyzer Project Administrator, Information Analyzer User
    See Defining role-based security for more information.
  2. Configure the data connection to the data source.
  3. Create a data connection for the analysis database by using IBM® InfoSphere Metadata Asset Manager to create an import area with no data imported.
  4. Configure global analysis settings.
    Configure and verify settings for connections from the InfoSphere Information Analyzer client to the analysis engine and the analysis database, and configure analysis criteria such as thresholds. See Configuring global analysis settings.
  5. Import metadata into the metadata repository.
  6. Create a project and configure project-level settings.
  7. Optional: Configure the InfoSphere Information Server console project dashboard.
    Note: The jobs that the InfoSphere Information Analyzer generates are sent to InfoSphere DataStage® in a workload management queue reserved for Information Analyzer. The name of the queue is IA. The logistics like how many jobs are going to be executed concurrently, and how long the job can wait in the queue depends on the workload management settings. To configure these settings, see Configuring workload management. Also, these jobs can be monitored in Operations Console. See Monitoring jobs for monitoring Information Analyzer jobs.

What to do next

You can start analyzing data. You can also manage the metadata in a project. For example, you can associate terms with metadata assets that you create as part of the analysis process, such as data rules.