Running a job from the command line

You run the dsjob command to start jobs, stop jobs, set an alias for jobs, and access other functions.

Before you begin

Ensure that dsjob is in your PATH environment variable. The following directories are the default for dsjob:
AIX, HP-UX, Linux

About this task

You must have a good understanding of your operating system to run jobs from the command line. If you run the dsjob command from the client side, you must log on to the server. If you run the command from the server side, you are not required to log on.


  1. Open a terminal session or a command line interface.
  2. Provide authentication information where necessary.
  3. Run the dsjob command to run the job. The following command runs the Build_Mart_OU job in the dstage project. The default parameters are used when running the job.
    dsjob [log in details] -run dstage Build_Mart_OU
    You can also run the dsjob command with parameters and parameter sets. The following command runs the Build_Mart_OU job in the dstage project with the Runschedule parameter set.
    dsjob [log in details] -run -param Runschedule dstage Build_Mart_OU 


When running a job that uses parameter sets from the command line, you can choose to accept the default settings, use values from a file, or override the values for individual examples. You can specify a new value file or override individual parameters. For example, the Runschedule file might include the following parameters:
DayOfWeek = Mon
Operator = DAad
Password = ******
Temporary Directory = undefined
You want to use the values specified in the RunWed file, and also override the setting of the DayOfWeek parameter. To run the Build_Mart_OU job with these parameters, you start the job by running the following command:
dsjob [log in details] -run -param Runschedule=RunWed 
-param Runschedule.DayOfWeek=Sat dstage Build_Mart_OU