IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS, Version 6.2

SNA Topology Manager Node Type Transformation

This appendix describes the transformations the SNA topology manager can perform on node objects in the RODM data cache as shown in Figure 1. Transformations occur when the SNA topology manager receives topology updates for nodes while it is actively monitoring network or local topology containing the nodes.

The table contains the following headings:
Update Node Type
This column indicates the node type to which the existing node type is to be transformed, and the source of the topology update.
  • The following are the node type descriptions:
    Type 2.1 node (object of t2-1Node class).
    A generic SNA node (object of snaNode class). The SNA topology manager uses this node type only as a place holder, it represents a node that is not being monitored and whose exact node type is not known, but is known to own one or more LUs being monitored. If an update for this node is received, it will be transformed to match the node type reported in the update. The SNA topology manager never transforms an exactly known node type to an snaNode.
    A low-entry networking node (object of lenNode class).
    An end node (object of appnEN class).
    A branch network node (object of appnBrNN class).
    This is an end node in the role of migration data host.
    A network node (object of appnNN class).
    A network node that has border node capabilities, using its DisplayResourceOtherData field to indicate these capabilities.
    A network node in the role of an interchange node.
    An interchange node with border node capabilities indicated in its DisplayResourceOtherData field.
    Virtual routing node (connection network).
    A (T4) node.
    A (T5) node.
  • The source of the topology update information is represented by the following:
    Local topology information contained in the vertex-one node data, which pertains to the local (agent) node
    Local topology information contained in the vertex-two node data, which pertains to a node adjacent to the agent node
    Network topology information
    Note: Refer to IBM SystemView Managed Resource Model Reference and Templates Volume 2: Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking and SNA Subarea Management for information on the meaning of vertex-one and vertex-two nodes in the context of how agents report topology information.
Existing Node Type
This heading represents the set of existing node types subject to change by the topology update. Each column entry contains one of the following action codes:
Modify the DisplayResourceOtherData (DROD) field to indicate border node capabilities.
Transformed to an interchange node
Transformed to a migration data host
Complete transformation of the node
A dash indicates the transformation is ignored.
Indicates a null matrix intersect where there is no transformation (for example, NN to NN).
Figure 1. Node Type Transformations
