Installation and upgrade related information and checklists

Review the following installation and upgrade related information before starting with the installation or the upgrade of Elastic Storage Server (ESS).

New features and enhancements in ESS 5.3.0

  • gssgennetworks support for IB bonding
  • gssdeploy improvements (PPC64LE discovery / genesis)
  • gssutils overhaul
  • Support for setting MTU in gssgennetworks

Component versions for this release

Note: Your version might be slightly different from the version indicated in this document. Refer to the release notes document that comes with the installation package for the exact version of the installation package and the component version.
The respective versions for the core components in this release of ESS are as follows:
  • Supported architectures: PPC64BE and PPC64LE
  • IBM Spectrum Scale™:
  • xCAT: 2.13.9
  • HMC: 860 SP2
  • System firmware: SV860_138(FW860.42)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux: 7.3
  • Kernel: 3.10.0-514.44.1
  • Systemd: 219-42.el7_4.10
  • Network Manager: 1.8.0-11.el7_4
  • IPR: 17518300
  • ESA: 4.2.0-9

Supported editions on each architecture

The following are the ESS editions supported on the available architectures.
  • Standard Edition
  • Advanced Edition
  • Data Management Edition
  • Standard Edition
  • Data Management Edition

ESS best practices and support statements

  • It is advised that when performing normal maintenance operations (or upgrades) that you disable autoload first.
    mmchconfig autoload=no
    Once the maintenance operation (or upgrade) is complete, re-enable autoload.
    mmchconfig autoload=yes
  • Start of changeBy default, file systems must only be mounted on the management server node (EMS). Do not mount the file system on any other ESS nodes besides the EMS (where the primary GUI runs) which is mandatory for the GUI to function correctly.End of change
  • Start of changeIt is advised that you disable automount for file systems when performing an upgrade to ESS or later.
    mmchfs Device -A no

    Device is the device name of the file system.

    End of change
  • Start of changeDo not configure more than 5 failure groups in a single file system.End of change
  • All Infiniband devices must be set to CONNECTED_MODE=no.
  • Start of changeIf you have 40Gb adapters, enable flow control on your switchEnd of change
  • RDMA over Ethernet (RoCE) is not supported.
  • Sudo on the ESS nodes is not supported.
  • Enabling the firewall on any ESS node is not supported.
  • Enabling SELinux on any ESS node is not supported.
  • Running any additional service or protocols on any ESS node is not supported.
  • Move quorum and cluster or file system management function off of the ESS nodes where possible.
  • All nodes must be at the same level prior to adding a building block. Therefore, upgrade existing ESS building block before adding the new one in.
  • You must take down the GPFS cluster to run firmware updates in parallel.
  • Do not independently update IBM Spectrum Scale (or any component) on any ESS node unless specifically advised from the L2 service. Normally this is only needed to resolve an issue. Under normal scenarios it is advised to only upgrade in our tested bundles.

Obtaining the required Red Hat Enterprise Linux and ESS code

The required Red Hat components are:Start of change
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3 ISO
    18402 3370316 rhel-server-7.3-ppc64-dvd.iso
    45464 3114204 rhel-server-7.3-ppc64le-dvd.iso
  • Network manager version : 1.8.0-11.el7_4
    40869 8769 netmgr-RHBA-2017-2925-BE.tar.gz
    31336 8660 netmgr-RHBA-2017-2925-LE.tar.gz
  • Systemd version: 219-42.el7_4.10
    56649 7212 systemd-530-RHBA-2018-0416-BE.tar.gz
    24625 7149 systemd-530-RHBA-2018-0416-LE.tar.gz
  • Kernel version: 3.10.0-514.44.1
    2013 63700 kernel-530-RHSA-2018-0399-BE.tar.gz
    5436 63544 kernel-530-RHSA-2018-0399-LE.tar.gz
End of change

On ESS 5.3.0.x systems shipped from manufacturing, these items can be found on the management server node in the /home/deploy directory.

Customers or business partners can download the required Red Hat components from Red Hat Network using the customer license. For more information, see:

If you are a member of IBM, you must contact ESS development or L2 service to obtain the code directly.

ESS 5.3.0.x can be downloaded from IBM® FixCentral.

The ESS software archive that is available in different versions for both PPC64BE and PPC64LE architectures.
PPC64BE packages available:
PPC64LE packages available:
You can download these packages from FixCentral at
Once downloaded and placed in /home/deploy, untar and uncompress the package to view the contents. For example, for the standard edition PPC64BE package, use the following command:
The BASEIMAGE tar file contains the following files that get extracted with the preceding command:
  • ESS_5.3.0.1_ppc64_Release_note_Standard.txt: This file contains the release notes for the latest code.
  • gss_install- This .tgz file contains the ESS code.
  • gss_install- This .md5 file to check the integrity of the tgz file.

Customer networking considerations

Review the information about switches and switch firmware that were used to validate this ESS release. For information about available IBM networking switches, see the IBM networking switches page on IBM Knowledge Center.

The following switches and switch firmware were used to validate this ESS release.
Switch MTM - Switch description - Switch FW <<<<< This is just an example. 
8828-E36/E37 - Mellanox SB7700 36port EDR - 3.6.5011
8831-F36 / F37 - Mellanox SX6036 36port FDR - 3.6.5011
8831-NF2 - Mellanox SX1710 36Port 40GbE - 3.6.5011
If you are using the this switch(es) schedule, a switch maintenance downtime to upgrade the switches is recommended prior to using this release of ESS. Also, it is recommended that if two switches are used in a high availability (HA) configuration, both switches be at the same firmware level.
To check the firmware version, do the following:
  1. SSH to the switch.
  2. Issue the following commands.
    # en
    # show version
    For example:
    login as: admin
    Mellanox MLNX-OS Switch Management
    Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
    Last login: Mon Mar 5 12:03:14 2018 from
    Mellanox Switch
    io232 [master] >
    io232 [master] > en
    io232 [master] # show version
    Example output:
    Product name: MLNX-OS
    Product release: 3.4.3002
    Build ID: #1-dev
    Build date: 2015-07-30 20:13:19
    Target arch: x86_64
    Target hw: x86_64
    Built by: jenkins@fit74
    Version summary: X86_64 3.4.3002 2015-07-30 20:13:19 x86_64
    Product model: x86
    Host ID: E41D2D52A040
    System serial num: Defined in system VPD
    System UUID: 03000200-0400-0500-0006-000700080009

Infiniband with multiple fabric

In a multiple fabric network, the Infiniband Fabric ID might not be properly appended in the verbsPorts configuration statement during the cluster creation. It is advised to do the following to ensure that the verbsPorts setting is accurate:
  1. Use gssgennetworks to properly set up IB or Ethernet bonds on the ESS system.
  2. Create a cluster.
  3. Run mmfsadm test verbs config | grep verbsPorts
These steps show the Fabric ID found for each link.
For example:
mmfs verbsPorts:  mlx5_0/1/4  mlx5_1/1/7
Adapter mlx5_0, port 1 connected to fabric 4 and adapter mlx5_1 port 1 connected to fabric 7. 

Now using mmchconfig, modify the verbsPorts for each node or node class to take the subnet into account.

Supported upgrade paths

The following upgrade paths are supported:
  • ESS version 5.1.x and 5.2.x to version 5.3.x on PPC64BE.
  • ESS version 5.1.x and 5.2.x to version 5.3.x on PPC64LE.
Note: For upgrading to ESS 5.3.x from version 5.0.x or earlier (PPC64BE), you must contact IBM Support because direct upgrade to version 5.3.x from these versions is not supported. The available indirect upgrade paths are as follows.
  • 3.5.5 (or earlier) > 4.5.2 > 5.1.x > 5.3.x
  • 4.0.x > 5.0.x > 5.1.x (or 5.2.x) > 5.3.x
  • 4.5.x (or 4.6.x) > 5.1.x > 5.3.x
Important: If you are not upgrading to ESS 5.3.x, it is recommended that you install ESS 5.2.1 to avoid system stability or functional issues.

Support for hardware call home

Pre-installation checklist

Before you arrive at a customer site, it is advised that you perform the following tasks:

Post-installation checklist

After the installation is completed, it is advised that you verify the following:

Other topics

For help with the following topics, and many others that are unlisted, contact L2 Service.
  • Adding a building block (same architecture or LE<->BE)
  • Restoring a management server
  • Part upgrades or replacements
  • VLAN reconfiguration on the 1Gb switch

Sample installation and upgrade flow

New installations go through manufacturing CSC. The system is fully installed with ESS 5.3.0, tested, malfunctioning parts replaced, and required RHEL pieces shipped in /home/deploy.


To install an ESS 5.3.0 system at the customer site, it is recommended that you use the Fusion mode available with gssutils. For more information, see Elastic Storage Server 5.2 or later: Fusion Mode and gssutils - ESS Installation and Deployment Toolkit.

Note: All operations must use gssutils.
  • SSR checkout complete
  • LBS arrival on site
  • Plug-n-Play mode demonstrated
  • Decisions made on block size, host names, IP addresses (/etc/hosts generated)
  • Check high speed switch settings or firmware
  • Firmware updated on ESS nodes
  • Fusion mode used to bring system to cluster creation
  • Network bonds created
  • Cluster created
  • Recovery groups, NSDs, file system created
  • Stress test performed
  • Final checks performed
  • GUI setup (w/SNMP alerts if desired)
  • Call home setup
  • Nodes attached to RHN and security updates applied


To upgrade to an ESS 5.3.0 system at the customer site, it is recommended that you use gssutils. For more information, see gssutils - ESS Installation and Deployment Toolkit.

Note: All operations must use gssutils.
  • SSR checkout complete
  • Check high speed switch settings or firmware
  • Ensure that there are no hardware issues
  • Ensure client / protocol node compatibility
  • Ensure no heavy IO operations are being performed
  • Upgrade ESS (rolling upgrade or with cluster down)
    • Always ensure you have quorum (if rolling upgrade)
    • Always carefully balance the recovery groups and scale management functions as you upgrade each node (if rolling upgrade)
  • Final checks performed
  • Determine if any mmperfmon changes required
  • Ensure GUI SNMP alerts and call home still working