Configuring advanced properties

You can change advanced server configuration properties using the Administration page of the Jazz® Team Server or the Administration page of an application registered with the server.


  1. Log in to the Administration page of the Jazz Team Server or an application registered with the server.
    • For the Jazz Team Server:
      1. Point your web browser to https://[fully qualified hostname]:9443/jts/admin
        Remember: The [fully qualified hostname] is the host name along with the DNS domain reference of the machine on which the Jazz Team Server is installed.
      2. On the Administration page, click the Server tab.
    • For an application registered with the server:
      1. Point your web browser to https://[fully qualified hostname]:9443/[application]/admin to access the application, where [application] is ccm for example.
  2. In the Configuration section, click Advanced Properties.
  3. Optional: You can filter the properties.
    • To view only the properties that are not set to the default value, click Hide properties set to default values.
    • To view only the properties that have been changed, click Hide unchanged properties
  4. Optional: To view more information about a property, hover over the name of the property.
  5. Click any property to edit its value.
  6. In a Current Value field, type or select a new property value.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Optional: If required, stop and restart the server.
    Note: In case where a server restart is not required, you might need to clear your browser cache to have the updated configuration properties applied.