Migrating databases

You can change the databases for Jazz® Team Server and all ELM applications from one vendor to another.

Before you begin

  • You must have administrative privileges on the database server.
  • A supported version of a database that you are moving to must be installed. For a complete list of supported databases, see Hardware and software requirements.
  • If you plan to change your database and change the server version at the same time, you must first migrate the source database to the current version. To do so, use the repotools -addTables command.

About this task

Important: Use the repotools -export and -import commands only to change database vendors; for example, by changing from Oracle to Db2®. Do not use those commands to back up databases.


  1. Stop the servers that are running, which might include Jazz Team Server and the ELM applications servers.
  2. Back up the database by using the database commands.
    Backing up the database is a precautionary measure in case something goes wrong. For instructions to back up, see your database documentation.
  3. Rebuild and reindex the index files for all installed applications:
    For Jazz Team Server:
    1. Delete the JTS_install_dir/server/conf/jts/indices directory.
    2. Open a command window and run the following commands to rebuild and reindex the index files:
      cd JTS_install_dir/server
      repotools-jts -rebuildIndices
      repotools-jts -reindex all
    For Change and Configuration Management application:
    1. Delete the CCM_install_dir/server/conf/ccm/indices directory.
    2. Open a command window and run the following commands to rebuild and reindex the index files:
      cd CCM_install_dir/server
      repotools-ccm -rebuildIndices
      repotools-ccm -reindex all
    For Quality Management application:
    1. Delete the QM_install_dir/server/conf/qm/indices directory.
    2. Open a command window and run the following commands to rebuild and reindex the index files:
      cd QM_install_dir/server
      repotools-qm -rebuildIndices
      repotools-qm -reindex all
    For Requirements Management application:
    1. Delete the RM_install_dir/server/conf/rm/indices directory.
    2. Open a command window and run the following commands to rebuild and reindex the index files:
      cd RM_install_dir/server
      repotools-rm -rebuildIndices
      repotools-rm -reindex all
    For Data Collection Component application:
    1. Delete the DCC_install_dir/server/conf/dcc/indices directory.
    2. Open a command window and run the following commands to rebuild and reindex the index files:
      cd DCC_install_dir/server
      repotools-dcc -rebuildIndices
      repotools-dcc -reindex all
    For Global Configuration Management application:
    1. Delete the GC_install_dir/server/conf/gc/indices directory.
    2. Open a command window and run the following commands to rebuild and reindex the index files:
      cd GC_install_dir/server
      repotools-gc -rebuildIndices
      repotools-gc -reindex all
    For IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Optimization - Engineering Insights application:
    1. Delete the ENI_install_dir/server/conf/relm/indices directory.
    2. Open a command window and run the following commands to rebuild and reindex the index files:
      cd ENI_install_dir/server
      repotools-relm -rebuildIndices
      repotools-relm -reindex all
  4. Export your data to .tar file for each application:
    JTS_install_dir/server repotools-jts -export toFile=JTSData.tar
    CCM_install_dir/server repotools-ccm -export toFile=CCMData.tar
    QM_install_dir/server repotools-qm -export toFile=QMData.tar
    RM_install_dir/server repotools-rm -export toFile=RMData.tar
    DCC_install_dir/server repotools-dcc -export toFile=DCCData.tar
    GC_install_dir/server repotools-gc -export toFile=GCData.tar
    ENI_install_dir/server repotools-relm -export toFile=ENIData.tar
  5. Create separate databases for Jazz Team Server and the ELM applications.
    For information about creating databases, see these resources:
  6. In each of the teamserver.properties files, find the sections that are in the following table. Reference the new database by commenting out your existing database and removing the comments (#).
    Note: If you already set up your server, the original content of the teamserver.properties file is saved in a new file; for example, teamserver-1340753205409backup.properties.
    Table 1. Database configuration property
    Database Section to remove comments from More information
    Db2 Db2 configuration Manually configuring a Db2 database
    Oracle Oracle configuration Manually configuring an Oracle database
    SQL Server SQL Server configuration Manually configuring an SQL Server database
  7. Import the data from the .tar files by entering the repotools command.
    JTS_install_dir/server repotools-jts -import fromFile=JTSData.tar
    CCM_install_dir/server repotools-ccm -import fromFile=CCMData.tar
    QM_install_dir/server repotools-qm -import fromFile=QMData.tar
    RM_install_dir/server repotools-rm -import fromFile=RMData.tar
    DCC_install_dir/server repotools-dcc -import fromFile=DCCData.tar
    GC_install_dir/server repotools-gc -import fromFile=GCData.tar
    ENI_install_dir/server repotools-relm -import fromFile=ENIData.tar
  8. Start the servers.

Migrating the Lifecycle Query Engine database

About this task

The procedure for changing the database vendor for the Lifecycle Query Engine (LQE) application is different from the other ELM applications. The following steps describe the required procedure to migrate the LQE database.


  1. Ensure that the LQE server is started and then log on to HTTPS://hostname.example.com:9443/lqe/web/admin/home.
  2. In the Backups section, click Edit backup configuration.
  3. In the One Time Backup section, click Backup Now.
  4. In the dialog that opens, select an existing backup directory on the server and click Backup Now. This creates two directories under the backup location: datasets and metadata.
  5. Locate these two directories and copy them to LQE_Install_Dir/server/conf/lqe.
  6. Stop the LQE server.
  7. Go to LQE_Install_Dir/server/conf/lqe and open the dbconnection.properties file for editing.
  8. Edit the db.vendor, db.location, and db.password parameters with the new database information. Save and close the file.
    Note: If you are migrating from the Derby database, the db.password parameter does not exist. You can manually add this parameter and specify the password for your database.
  9. Open the lqe.properties file for editing and set lqe.restore parameter to true. Save and close the file.
  10. Start the LQE server with the new database and validate that LQE is working by navigating to HTTPS://hostname.example.com:9443/lqe/web/admin/home.

Migrating the Link Index Provider database

About this task

The procedure for changing the database vendor for the Link Index Provider (LDX) application is different from the other ELM applications. The following steps describe the required procedure to migrate the LDX database.


  1. Ensure that the Jazz Team Server is started and then log on to HTTPS://hostname.example.com:9443/ldx/web/admin/home.
  2. In the Backups section, click Edit backup configuration.
  3. In the One Time Backup section, click Backup Now.
  4. In the dialog that opens, select an existing backup directory on the server and click Backup Now. This creates two directories under the backup location: datasets and metadata.
  5. Locate these two directories and copy them to JAZZ_Install_Dir/server/conf/ldx.
  6. Stop the Jazz Team Server.
  7. Go to JAZZ_Install_Dir/server/conf/ldx and open the dbconnection.properties file for editing.
  8. Edit the db.vendor, db.location, and db.password parameters with the new database information. Save and close the file.
    Note: If you are migrating from the Derby database, the db.password parameter does not exist. You can manually add this parameter and specify the password for your database.
  9. Open the lqe.properties file for editing and set lqe.restore parameter to true. Save and close the file.
  10. Start the Jazz Team Server with the new database and validate that LDX is working by navigating to HTTPS://hostname.example.com:9443/ldx/web/admin/home.