Changing help content connections

You can modify the help preferences so that you can access help content from different locations than what you chose when you installed the product.


  1. To change the help content connections in your Eclipse client, click Windows > Preferences.
  2. Expand Help and click Content.
    A window that is similar to this example is displayed:
    Help Content preference window
  3. As necessary, enable the server URLs in the table:
    • To access remote help from the IBM® Documentation:
      1. Select the row of the table that contains the product name.
        • If that row does not exist, click New, enter a name, and enter the URL of the product IBM Documentation collection.
          • Name: IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management 7.0.3 help
          • URL:
      2. Click Enable. For most products, the remote help connection is the first row and is enabled by default.
      3. Select the row of the previous connection and click Disable.
    • To access the local help that is installed on your computer:
      1. Select the Local row of the table.
        • If this row does not exist, click New, enter a name and enter a URL to use. You can identify your URL by opening your Help Administration page. The server, port, and help name is the same for the local connection.
          • Help Administration page:
          • Corresponding local help system:
      2. Click Enable.
      3. Select the row of the previous connection and click Disable.
    • To add a connection to access help from another location, such as an intranet server:
      1. Click New.
      2. In the Add a new IBM Documentation window, enter a Name for the help and the URL.
        • Name: IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management 7.0.3 help
        • URL:
      3. To ensure that the URL is valid, click Test Connection.
      4. Click OK to save the changes.
      5. In the table, verify that the new connection is enabled.
      6. Select the row of the previous connection and click Disable.
  4. Create a connection order for the enabled connections.
    If multiple connections are enabled, each one is tested in order until an active connection is found.

    For example, in a common scenario, remote help is listed first in the table and local help is listed second. If you have an Internet connection, the remote help connection is used. When you do not have an Internet connection, the local help is used.

    To change the order of the connections:

    1. Select a row in the table.
    2. Click Up or Down to move the connection in the list.
  5. Click Apply and OK to save the changes.