Configuring Lifecycle Query Engine and connecting to external databases by using properties files

You can use a properties file to specify the initial configuration of Lifecycle Query Engine (LQE) or to connect to an external database. LQE comes with templates of the file and the file that you can use to create your own files.

Initializing Lifecycle Query Engine by using a properties file

As an administrator, you can use the file to pre-configure Lifecycle Query Engine (LQE) before deploying the server and starting the application. When you start the server, the properties file is used to automatically configure LQE.

A template file is provided. It includes a set of configuration properties: authentication configuration, data sources, notification, and backup. You can use the template file as the basis for your .properties file, and update it to include additional configuration properties.

For a list of configuration properties that you can use, see the LQE Properties page in the Jazz®.net wiki.


  1. Go to the \<LQE_Install_Dir>\server\conf\lqe\template folder.
  2. Copy the file to the \<LQE_Install_Dir>\server\conf\lqe folder.

    The following screen capture shows the default configuration properties that are defined in the template file.Screen capture of the release configuration properties template file.

  3. Edit the file to include the advanced properties that you want to be configured when LQE starts.

    For a list of configuration properties that you can use, see the LQE Properties page in the wiki.

  4. Start LQE.
    After successfully starting the server for the first time, the file is automatically renamed by LQE to, where xxxxxxxxxxxxx is a time stamp.

    For example: Screen capture of a file that is generated when LQE starts..


Important: If you make an error when you are updating the file, before restarting LQE with the corrected file, you must delete the database related files. If you are using LQE with the default Derby database, delete the derbyDB folder. If you are using LQE with an external database, delete the database tables.

Connecting to an external database by using a properties file

If you are using Lifecycle Query Engine with an external database such as IBM® Db2® or PostgreSQL, you can use a properties file to configure the connection. As an administrator, you can use the file to pre-configure the database connection. When you start the server, the properties file is used to automatically connect to the database.

You can use a template file as the basis for your .properties file.


  1. Go to the \<LQE_Install_Dir>\server\conf\lqe\template folder.
  2. Copy the file to the \<LQE_Install_Dir>\server\conf\lqe folder.
  3. Edit the file to include the configuration properties for the external database that you want to use with LQE.
    For example, the following screen capture shows the properties that are required to connect to a Db2 database.
    Screen capture from the file
    Tip: Information about each of the properties is included in the template file.
  4. Start the LQE server.
    Each time that you start the server, LQE automatically connects to the external database.