Configuring Rational Team Concert® as your build provider

You can set up communication between the Quality Management application and the Change and Configuration Management application so that you can use the Change and Configuration Management application as your build provider and synchronize build information with the Quality Management application. After you set up this communication, users can track builds in the Quality Management application user interface, even though the build information is maintained in the Change and Configuration Management application.

Before you begin

The Rational® solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management integration must be configured before you can set up communication between the Quality Management application and the Change and Configuration Management application.
Note: As a build provider, Rational Team Concert is the only supported Change and Configuration Management application.

Also, verify that pop ups are enabled in your browser.


To set up build integration with the Change and Configuration Management application:

  1. Set up a Change and Configuration Management server as a friend of the Quality Management server. For details, see Establishing friend relationships.
  2. Set up the Change and Configuration Management application so the Quality Management application can communicate with the Change and Configuration Management application.
    1. On the Administration page for the Change and Configuration Management application, in the Communication pane, click Consumers (Inbound) and associate a functional user under Consumer (Inbound).
    2. On the OAuth Consumers page, in the Register Consumer section, type function user to identify the server that uses the consumer key.
  3. Configure the Build Integration Framework in the Quality Management application.
    1. On the Jazz® Team Server Home page, under Application Administration, go to the Quality Management (/qm) section and click Application.
    2. Under Configuration on the left, click Advanced Properties.
    3. Under Build Integration Framework, go to the component, and click Edit.
      • Modify the property as required.
      • Update the Delay value or accept the default setting.

        The Delay value determines how frequently the Quality Management server synchronizes with the Change and Configuration Management server. The default setting is 500 seconds. If you want to see changes more frequently, decrease the delay. If this produces too great a load on the Quality Management server, you can increase the delay.

    4. At the top of the page, click Save.
  4. Set up the link between the Quality Management project area and the Change and Configuration Management project area. After you set up this link, the build information that is created in the Change and Configuration Management project area will be stored in the corresponding Quality Management project area.
    1. In the Quality Management project, click the Administration (Administration) icon in the top, right portion of the banner, and select Manage Project Properties.
    2. Under Properties, click Build Provider.
    3. For the Provider, select RTC Integration Provider.
    4. Click Configure.

      A wizard starts for setting up the Change and Configuration Management application as the build provider.

    5. Click Next.
    6. On the next wizard page, select the Change and Configuration Management project area for the builds.
    7. Click Finish.

      After you complete the wizard, the Builds Provider page is updated to show a successful status and summary.


After you complete these steps, users can track builds that are created in the Change and Configuration Management application.