Exporting process templates

In the web interface, you can export and import process templates to and from the local file system. This enables teams to share their process templates with other Jazz® Team Servers. Process templates define the process configuration, iteration structure, and all process attachments.

Before you begin

You must be logged in to the Application Administration page of the web client. See Logging in for project administrators and team leads (web). To export a template from a project area, you must be a member of that project area. To export from the Templates page, you must have at least JazzUsers repository group permissions.

About this task

On the Templates page, you can export a predefined template or a template that you have imported. Alternatively, you can export a template from a project area. When you export a template from a project area, the exported template includes changes that you made to the project area process after you created the project area. For example, if you add timelines, iterations, iteration types, roles, or operation behavior to the project area, those additions are included in the exported process template.
Note: Work item enumerations defined as database enumerations are not exported as part of a project template. After you create a project area by importing such a template, you need to create the database enumeration field again in the new project area.


Perform one of the following tasks:
  • To export a process template from a project area:
    1. Navigate to the project area in the administrative web interface. See Logging in for project administrators and team leads (web).
    2. On the Overview page, click Export Process Template icon, the Export Process Template icon.
    3. In the Export Process Template window, enter an identifier for the new process template. The default name for the template is the project area name, which you can change. Optionally, enter a description of the template in the Summary field. Click OK.
  • To export a process template from the Templates page:
    1. Navigate to the Templates page in the administrative web interface. See Logging in for project administrators and team leads (web).
    2. In the Actions column for the process template that you want to export, click Export Process icon, the Export Process icon.