IBM Business Automation Navigator parameters

Update the custom YAML file to provide the details that are relevant to your IBM Business Automation Navigator and your decisions for the deployment of the container.

 For 20.0.1  For a more focused YAML file that contains the default value for each IBM Business Automation Navigator parameter, see the fncm_ban_sample_cr.yaml file. You can use this shorter sample resource file to compile all the values you need for your IBM Business Automation Navigator environment, then copy the sections into the ibm_cp4a_cr_template.yaml file before you deploy.

If you plan to use logging and monitoring with your IBM Business Automation Navigator, check the lists of parameters for those components to compile the required values:
Table 1. Configuration parameters
Parameters Description Default Values
ban_secret_name Contains the information about the LDAP user and password for components. ibm-ban-secret
route_ingress_annotations If needed, use to create a custom annotation. none
arch.amd64 The architecture of the cluster. This value is the default for Linux® on x86. Do not change it. "3 - Most preferred"
replica_count How many IBM Business Automation Navigator replicas to deploy. It is recommended to have 2 or more. 1

 New in 20.0.2  and later: 2

Run as user


User to run the deployment. If run_as_user is commented out, the deployment uses a UID auto-assigned by Open Shift.  




Specifies the image to be used.





or, for SSO:


or, for SSO: ga-307-icn-if002

log.format The format for workload logging. json
resources.requests.cpu Specifies a CPU request for the container. 500m
resources.requests.memory Specify a memory request for the container. 512Mi
resources.limits.cpu Specify a CPU limit for the container. 1
resources.limits.memory Specify a memory limit for the container. 1536Mi
Auto Scale


Specify whether to enable auto scaling. false
auto_scaling.max_replicas The upper limit for the number of pods that can be set by the autoscaler. Required. 3
auto_scaling.min_replicas The lower limit for the number of pods that can be set by the autoscaler. If it is not specified or negative, the server will apply a default value. 1

 New in 20.0.2  and later: 2

auto_scaling.target_cpu_utilization_percentage The target average CPU utilization (represented as a percent of requested CPU) over all the pods. If it is not specified or negative, a default autoscaling policy is used. 80
 New in 20.0.2 Specify the host of the mail session. ""
 New in 20.0.2  java_mail.port Specify the port to use with the mail session host. 25
 New in 20.0.2  java_mail.sender For sender, enter a user that has access to the email server to log on. ""
 New in 20.0.2  java_mail.ssl_enabled Specify whether SSL is enabled. false
Route public hostname


Provide a hostname that the operator uses to create an OpenShift route definition to access the application, most often the host name of the infrastructure node in Open Shift.

This parameter does not apply for non-OpenShift platforms.

icn_production_setting.time_zone The time zone for the container deployment. Etc/UTC
icn_production_setting.jvm_initial_heap_percentage The initial use of available memory. 40

 New in 20.0.3  40

icn_production_setting.jvm_max_heap_percentage The maximum percentage of available memory to use. 66

 New in 20.0.3  66

icn_production_setting.jvm_customize_options Optionally specify JVM arguments using comma separation. For example:


If needed, you can use DELIM to change the character that is used to separate multiple JVM arguments. In this example, a semi-colon is used to separate the JVM arguments:


icn_production_setting.icn_jndids_name Name for the Navigator JNDI datasource. ECMClientDS
icn_production_setting.icn_schema Schema for IBM Business Automation Navigator. If you plan to use Task Manager with Business Automation Navigator, this value must be ICNDB. ICNDB
icn_production_setting.icn_table_space: Table space for IBM Business Automation Navigator. ICNDB

 For 20.0.1  icn_admin

IBM Business Automation Navigator administrator user. CEADMIN
Accept license


The value must be set to accept to deploy. accept
enable_appcues Internal use only. Do not change the value. false
allow_remote_plugins_via_http It is recommended not to change this setting. true

 New in 20.0.3  false

monitor_enabled Specify whether to use the built-in monitoring capability. false
logging_enabled Specify whether to use the built-in logging capability. false
collectd_enable_plugin_write_graphite If you use Graphite database for metrics or use IBM Cloud® monitoring, set to true. false
datavolume.existing_pvc_for_icn_cfgstore The persistent volume claim for IBM Business Automation Navigator configuration. "icn-cfgstore"
datavolume.existing_pvc_for_icn_logstore The persistent volume claim for IBM Business Automation Navigator logs. "icn-logstore"
datavolume.existing_pvc_for_icn_filestore The persistent volume claim for the Content Platform Engine files. "cape-filestore"
datavolume.existing_pvc_for_icn_pluginstore The persistent volume claim for the plug-ins. "icn-pluginstore"
datavolume.existing_pvc_for_icnvw_cachestore The persistent volume claim for the viewer cache. "icn-vw-cachestore"
datavolume.existing_pvc_for_icnvw_logstore The persistent volume claim for the viewer log. "icn-vw-logstore"
datavolume.existing_pvc_for_icn_aspera The persistent volume claim for Aspera®. "icn-asperastore"





The behavior of readiness probes to know when the containers are ready to start accepting traffic.










The behavior of liveness probes to know when to restart a container.




6 The secrets to be able to pull images. "admin.registrykey"