IBM Business Automation Application Engine parameters

 New in 19.0.3  Provide the details that are relevant to your IBM Business Automation Application Engine environment and your decisions for the deployment of the container.

The following tables list the configurable parameters and their default values. All properties are mandatory, unless they have a default value or are explicitly optional. Although Application Engine might seem to install correctly when some parameters are omitted, this kind of configuration is not supported.

The application_engine_configuration parameter is a list. You can deploy multiple instances of Application Engine. You can assign different configurations for each instance by following these rules.
  • Assign a different name to each instance by giving application_engine_configuration[*].name a different value.
  • Assign a different hostname to each instance by giving assign application_engine_configuration[*].hostname a different value to make it accessible.
The following tables list the parameters for configuring Application Engine.
Table 1. Application Engine parameters
Parameter Description Default Value
application_engine_configuration[*].name Name of Application Engine instance  
application_engine_configuration[*].hostname Application Engine external hostname  
application_engine_configuration[*].port Application Engine port (only when using NodePort service) 443
 New in 20.0.1  application_engine_configuration.admin_user The user ID that is used as the bootstrap admin ID for IBM Business Automation Navigator. It is case sensitive. This ID is configured during IBM Business Automation Navigator deployment and is used for the initial login to the IBM Business Automation Navigator Admin desktop. The same ID lets the Application Engine admin_user make administrator calls to the Application Engine REST APIs. From the IBM Business Automation Navigator desktop, an Admin user can also add other admin IDs and those IDs are automatically synchronized to the Application Engine admin_user IDs database table if the initial Application Engine admin_user matches the IBM Business Automation Navigator admin ID. This user must also be a User Management Service (UMS) admin user.  
application_engine_configuration.admin_secret_name Existing Application Engine administrative secret for sensitive configuration data <CR name>-<AE name>-aae-app-engine-admin-secret
application_engine_configuration[*].external_tls_secret Secret name for storing external Transport Layer Security (TLS) key and certificate used by Application Engine  
application_engine_configuration[*].replica_size Number of Application Engine deployment replicas
  • In versions 20.0.2 and earlier: 1
  • From version 20.0.3: 2
 New in 20.0.3  application_engine_configuration[*].data_persistence.enable To enable the data persistence feature on Application Engine, set this to true. false
 New in 20.0.3  application_engine_configuration[*].object_store_name The object store name used for data persistence. If application data persistence is enabled, input one CPE object store name. AEOS
application_engine_configuration[*].database.use_custom_jdbc_drivers Whether to use a custom JDBC driver for Db2® database instead of the embedded one. If you don't want to use a custom driver, keep the default.

If you use an Oracle or a PostgreSQL database, make sure that the value is set to true.

application_engine_configuration[*].service_type Application Engine service type Route
 New in 20.0.1  application_engine_configuration[*].external_connection_timeout Number of seconds after which the Route connection times out 90s
application_engine_configuration[*].autoscaling.enabled Whether to enable the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler for Application Engine false
application_engine_configuration[*].autoscaling.min_replicas Minimum number of pods for Application Engine when autoscaling is enabled 2
application_engine_configuration[*].autoscaling.max_replicas Maximum number of pods for Application Engine when autoscaling is enabled 5
application_engine_configuration[*].autoscaling.target_average_utilization Target average CPU utilization over all the pods for the Application Engine init container when autoscaling is enabled 80
application_engine_configuration[*] Application Engine database host.

Only for Db2 and PostgreSQL configuration

application_engine_configuration[*] Application Engine database name.

Only for Db2 and PostgreSQL configuration

application_engine_configuration[*].database.port Application Engine database port,.

Only for Db2 and PostgreSQL configuration

application_engine_configuration[*].database.alternative_host Application Engine database alternative host for database automatic client reroute (ACR) with high availability disaster recovery (HADR). If you want to enable the database ACR and HADR, configure both alternative_host and alternative_port. You must have Db2 servers whose hostnames can be resolved to IP addresses correctly in App Engine containers.

Only for Db2 and PostgreSQL configuration

application_engine_configuration[*].database.alternative_port Application Engine database alternative host for database automatic client reroute (ACR) with high availability disaster recovery (HADR). If you want to enable the database ACR and HADR, configure both alternative_host and alternative_port.

Only for Db2 and PostgreSQL configuration

application_engine_configuration[*].database.type Application Engine database type.

Db2, Oracle and PostgreSQL are supported.

application_engine_configuration[*].database.enable_ssl Whether to enable Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support for the database connection false
application_engine_configuration[*].database.db_cert_secret_name Secret name for storing the database TLS certificate when an SSL connection is enabled  
 New in 20.0.3  application_engine_configuration[*].database.oracle_url_without_wallet_directory If you use an Oracle database, enter the Oracle connection URL. The format is (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=<your-oracle-database-hostname>)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<your-oracle-database-service-name>)))).  
 New in 20.0.3  application_engine_configuration[*].database.oracle_url_with_wallet_directory Required when you enable SSL for Oracle database, you must enter the Oracle connection URL with the wallet path. The format is (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcps)(HOST=<your-oracle-database-hostname>)(PORT=2484))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<your-oracle-database-service-name>))(SECURITY=(SSL_SERVER_DN_MATCH=FALSE)(MY_WALLET_DIRECTORY=/shared/resources/oracle/wallet))).  
application_engine_configuration[*].database.current_schema Application Engine database schema.

If you use an Oracle database, you can set it to empty. The default schema of your Oracle connection user will be set automatically, or you can also set it to your customized schema.

 New in 20.0.3  application_engine_configuration[*].database.oracle_sso_wallet_secret_name Secret name for storing wallet SSO binary file when an SSL connection is enabled and Oracle database is selected.  
application_engine_configuration[*].database.initial_pool_size Initial pool size of the Application Engine database 1
application_engine_configuration[*].database.max_pool_size Maximum pool size of the Application Engine database 10
application_engine_configuration[*].database.uv_thread_pool_size UV thread pool size of the Application Engine NodeJS server. Increase this number if your Application Engine must support a high volume of traffic. The maximum value is 400. 4
application_engine_configuration[*].database.max_lru_cache_size Maximum Least Recently Used (LRU) cache size of the Application Engine database 1000
application_engine_configuration[*].database.max_lru_cache_age Maximum LRU cache age of the Application Engine database 600000
application_engine_configuration[*].database.dbcompatibility_max_retries Maximum number of times to retry checking database compatibility 30
application_engine_configuration[*].database.dbcompatibility_retry_interval Retry interval for checking database compatibility 10
application_engine_configuration[*].database.custom_jdbc_pvc Persistent volume claim (PVC) for the Application Engine custom JDBC driver  
application_engine_configuration[*].log_level.node Log level for output from the Application Engine server
  • For 20.0.2: audit
  • For 20.0.1: info
application_engine_configuration[*].log_level.browser Log level for output from the web browser 2
application_engine_configuration[*].content_security_policy.enable Whether to enable the content security policy for Application Engine false
application_engine_configuration[*].content_security_policy.whitelist Configuration of the Application Engine content security policy whitelist  
application_engine_configuration[*].env.max_size_lru_cache_rr Maximum size of the cache for the Resource Registry 1000
application_engine_configuration[*].env.server_env_type Application Engine deployment type development
application_engine_configuration[*].env.purge_stale_apps_interval (Application Engine playback server only) Interval for the purging job to run to purge stale apps 86400000
application_engine_configuration[*].env.apps_threshold (Application Engine playback server only) Minimum number of existing apps for purging job to start purging stale apps 100
application_engine_configuration[*].env.stale_threshold (Application Engine playback server only) Age of the apps to be considered as stale. 172800000
 New in 20.0.3  application_engine_configuration[*].env.service_threshold (Application Engine playback server only) Minimum number of preview-only automation services in the server for purging job to start purging stale preview-only automation services. 100
 New in 20.0.3  application_engine_configuration[*].env.service_stale_threshold (Application Engine playback server only) Age, in milliseconds, of preview-only automation service since publish to be considered as stale. 172800000
application_engine_configuration[*].images.db_job.repository Image name for the Application Engine database job container solution-server-helmjob-db
application_engine_configuration[*].images.db_job.tag Image tag for the Application Engine database job container 20.0.2 (or 20.0.1 for previous version)
application_engine_configuration[*].images.solution_server.repository Image name for the Application Engine container solution-server
application_engine_configuration[*].images.solution_server.tag Image tag for the Application Engine container 20.0.2 (or 20.0.1 for previous version)
application_engine_configuration[*].max_age.auth_cookie Maximum age of an authentication cookie 900000
application_engine_configuration[*].max_age.csrf_cookie Maximum age of a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) cookie 3600000
application_engine_configuration[*].max_age.static_asset Maximum age of a static asset cache 2592000
application_engine_configuration[*].max_age.hsts_header The HTTP Strict-Transport-Security response header (often abbreviated as HSTS) 2592000
application_engine_configuration[*].probe.liveness.failure_threshold When a pod starts and the probe fails, Kubernetes tries this number of times before giving up. Minimum value is 1. 5
application_engine_configuration[*].probe.liveness.initial_delay_seconds Number of seconds after the container starts before the liveness probe is initiated 60
application_engine_configuration[*].probe.liveness.period_seconds How often to do the liveness probe (in seconds) 10
application_engine_configuration[*].probe.liveness.timeout_seconds Number of seconds after which the probe times out 180
application_engine_configuration[*].probe.liveness.success_threshold Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after failing. Minimum value is 1. 1
application_engine_configuration[*].probe.readiness.failure_threshold When a pod starts and the probe fails, Kubernetes tries this number of times before giving up. Minimum value is 1. 5
application_engine_configuration[*].probe.readiness.initial_delay_seconds Number of seconds after the container starts before the readiness probe is initiated 10
application_engine_configuration[*].probe.readiness.period_seconds How often to do the readiness probe (in seconds) 10
application_engine_configuration[*].probe.readiness.timeout_seconds Number of seconds after which the probe times out 180
application_engine_configuration[*].probe.readiness.success_threshold Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after failing. Minimum value is 1. 1
application_engine_configuration[*] Hostname of the Remote Dictionary Server (Redis) database that is used by Application Engine  
application_engine_configuration[*].redis.port Port number of the Redis database that is used by Application Engine  
application_engine_configuration[*].redis.ttl Time To Live for the session in the Redis database 1800
 New in 20.0.3  application_engine_configuration[*].redis.tls_enabled Whether to enable TLS connection for Redis.

If yes, set it to true, and put your redis server CA certificate in tls_trust_list or trusted_certificate_list of your custom resource.

application_engine_configuration[*].resource_ae.limits.cpu Maximum amount of CPU that is required for the Application Engine container 2000m
application_engine_configuration[*].resource_ae.limits.memory Maximum amount of memory that is required for the Application Engine container 2Gi
application_engine_configuration[*].resource_ae.requests.cpu Minimum amount of CPU that is required for the Application Engine container 300m
application_engine_configuration[*].resource_ae.requests.memory Minimum amount of memory that is required for the Application Engine container 512Mi
application_engine_configuration[*].resource_init.limits.cpu Maximum amount of CPU that is required for the Application Engine init container 500m
application_engine_configuration[*].resource_init.limits.memory Maximum amount of memory that is required for the Application Engine init container 256Mi
application_engine_configuration[*].resource_init.requests.cpu Minimum amount of CPU that is required for the Application Engine init container 200m
application_engine_configuration[*].resource_init.requests.memory Minimum amount of memory that is required for the Application Engine init container 128Mi
application_engine_configuration[*].session.check_period (For non-external session store) Interval to purge expired sessions from the session store 3600000
application_engine_configuration[*].session.duration (For non-external session store) Time to live for the session 1800000
application_engine_configuration[*].session.max (For non-external session store) Maximum number of sessions stored 10000
application_engine_configuration[*].session.resave Whether to enable session resaving false
application_engine_configuration[*].session.rolling Whether to enable session rolling true
application_engine_configuration[*].session.save_uninitialized Whether to save uninitialized sessions false
application_engine_configuration[*].session.use_external_store Use an external store for storing sessions false
 New in 20.0.2  application_engine_configuration[*].server_locale Locale of the server en
 New in 20.0.2 application_engine_configuration[*].share_storage. enabled Shared storage to share the file upload cache among servers for Application Engine false
 New in 20.0.2 application_engine_configuration[*].share_storage. pvc_name PVC for the Application Engine shared storage ae-file-pvc
 New in 20.0.2 application_engine_configuration[*].share_storage.auto_provision.enabled Dynamic provisioner to provision the PVs and PVCs false
 New in 20.0.2 application_engine_configuration[*].share_storage. auto_provision.storage_class The dynamic storage classname for provisioning the PVs and PVCs gluster_fs
 New in 20.0.2 application_engine_configuration[*].share_storage. auto_provision.size Storage size for the PVs for Application Engine 20Gi
application_engine_configuration[*].tls.tls_trust_list Trusted certificate secret names. Application Engine trusts those certificates for communication. []
Table 2. Resource Registry parameters
Parameter Description Default Value
resource_registry_configuration.admin_secret_name Existing Resource Registry administrative secret for sensitive configuration data <CR name>-rr-admin-secret
resource_registry_configuration.hostname Resource Registry external hostname  
resource_registry_configuration.port Resource Registry port for using the NodePort service 443
resource_registry_configuration.replica_size Number of etcd nodes in the cluster 3
resource_registry_configuration.images.resource_registry.repository Repository and name of the Resource Registry image dba-etcd
resource_registry_configuration.images.resource_registry.tag Tag name of the Resource Registry image 20.0.2 (or 20.0.1 for previous version)
resource_registry_configuration.tls.tls_secret Existing TLS secret that contains tls.key and tls.crt  
resource_registry_configuration.probe.liveness.initial_delay_seconds Number of seconds after the container starts before the liveness probe is initiated 60
resource_registry_configuration.probe.liveness.period_seconds How often (in seconds) to perform the probe 10
resource_registry_configuration.probe.liveness.timeout_seconds Number of seconds after which the probe times out 5
resource_registry_configuration.probe.liveness.success_threshold Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after failing. Minimum value is 1. 1
resource_registry_configuration.probe.liveness.failure_threshold When a pod starts and the probe fails, Kubernetes tries this number of times before giving up. Minimum value is 1. 3
resource_registry_configuration.probe.readiness.initial_delay_seconds Number of seconds after the container starts before the readiness probe is initiated 10
resource_registry_configuration.probe.readiness.period_seconds How often (in seconds) to perform the probe 10
resource_registry_configuration.probe.readiness.timeout_seconds Number of seconds after which the probe times out 5
resource_registry_configuration.probe.readiness.success_threshold Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after failing. Minimum value is 1. 1
resource_registry_configuration.probe.readiness.failure_threshold When a pod starts and the probe fails, Kubernetes tries this number of times before giving up. Minimum value is 1. 3
resource_registry_configuration.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit for Resource Registry configuration 500m
resource_registry_configuration.resources.limits.memory Memory limit for Resource Registry configuration 512Mi
resource_registry_configuration.resources.requests.cpu Requested CPU for Resource Registry configuration 100m
resource_registry_configuration.resources.requests.memory Requested memory for Resource Registry configuration 128Mi
resource_registry_configuration.auto_backup.enable Whether to enable automatic backup for Resource Registry. If you enable automatic backup, you must create a persistent volume (PV). See Optional: Implementing storage. false
resource_registry_configuration.auto_backup.minimal_time_interval Minimal time interval for automatic backup 1800
resource_registry_configuration.auto_backup.pvc_name The name of the persistent volume claim (PVC) for automatic backup  
 New in 20.0.1  resource_registry_configuration.auto_backup.dynamic_provision.enable Whether to enable dynamic provisioning to provision the PVs and PVCs false
 New in 20.0.1  resource_registry_configuration.auto_backup.dynamic_provision.access_mode Access mode for PVCs ReadWriteMany
 New in 20.0.1  resource_registry_configuration.auto_backup.dynamic_provision.size Storage size for PVs 3Gi
 New in 20.0.1  resource_registry_configuration.auto_backup.dynamic_provision.storage_class Dynamic storage class name to provision the PVs and PVCs nfs