Uninstalling capabilities

To remove all the deployed capabilities, delete the namespace that you used to install.

Before you begin

If you need to back up your data, make sure that you take the necessary steps to reinstall the deployment. For example, make a copy of the custom resource (CR) that you used in the environment. Make copies of the security definitions that are used to protect the configuration data in the environment. Make copies of the PVs and persistent volume claims (PVC) in the environment.

About this task

Important: To add or remove capabilities to an existing deployment, specifically to remove a platform component, see Updating deployments.


  • To uninstall the operator, cluster role, cluster role binding, and the service account run the following kubectl commands.
    kubectl delete -f <CR.yaml>
    kubectl delete -f descriptors/operator.yaml
    kubectl delete -f descriptors/role_binding.yaml
    kubectl delete -f descriptors/role.yaml
    kubectl delete -f descriptors/service_account.yaml

    You can also run the scripts/deleteOperator.sh script, which includes the same commands. The link points to the 20.0.3 branch, but you can pick the version that you installed in the Branch menu.

    cd cert-kubernetes
    Warning: Before 20.0.3, the script deletes all Cloud Pak for Automation deployments on the OCP cluster. Make sure that you do want to delete all of them before you run the script. If you want to limit your uninstall to a single project (namespace), use the individual delete commands on each operator instance.
  • You can delete your custom resource (CR) deployments by deleting the CR YAML file or the CR instance. The name of the instance is taken from the value of the name parameter in the CR YAML file. To retrieve the names of the instances, run the get command.
    oc get ICP4ACluster

    To delete an instance, run the delete command.

    oc delete ICP4ACluster <MY-INSTANCE>
    Note: To uninstall the Business Automation Insights component, you must delete the resources for the pod security policy (PSP) and service account (SCC) manually. For instructions, see Uninstalling Business Automation Insights.
    PVCs, PVs, and database artifacts are not deleted when the CR is removed. If you no longer need the persisted data, then you can manually clean it up.
    • You can individually delete the PVCs associated with the deployment or delete the entire namespace. If the PVs are statically or dynamically allocated where the Retain Policy is set to Retain, then manually delete the PVs.
    • For more information about the databases used by FileNet® Content Manager, see Deleting a domain and Preparing an object store database or tablespace for reuse.
    Note:  New in 20.0.2  If you plan to reinstall the Application Engine database, you must drop the database and database objects (buffer pool and tablespaces) after you delete Application Engine.
  • Verify that all the pods that you created with the operator are terminated and deleted.
  • To uninstall Common Services use the instructions in the following pages.

What to do next

After you uninstall, you might want to clean up certain files and secrets that you applied to the cluster for specific capabilities.