How do I map survey questions to Acoustic Campaign database fields?

Map survey questions to database fields in Acoustic Campaign. After a question is mapped to a database field, contact responses are stored in their contact record. Then, use these responses in Acoustic Campaign to segment data, personalize content, create dynamic content, and more.

In Acoustic Campaign, set up your database:

  1. Click the Config icon. The Configure Survey page opens.
  2. In the Select Database list, select a database from a list of shared databases in your Acoustic Campaign organization.
  3. Click Yes to store all question and answers to a relational table in your Acoustic Campaign organization. If you do not want to store any responses, click No.
  4. In Field Mappings, map each question to an Acoustic Campaign column. You can only map one database field per question.
  5. In Type Field Name, begin typing a database field name and select a database field.
  6. Click Save Changes.