Event Manager design overview

The InfoSphere® MDM Event Manager consists of five major subsystems: services layer, event detector message-driven bean (MDB) with process controller, event analyst or detector, event persistence module, and notification module.

The following diagram describes the Event Manager subsystems.

Architecture of the Event Manager
  • Services layer: Provides a business interface to Event Manager users. This interface consists of the ProcessController and EventService session beans. The business system can call the ProcessController session bean to inform Event Manager about a transaction performed against a particular business object. The ProcessController bean then sends this business object for processing to the event analyst or detector. This step is asynchronous, ensuring that the business transaction is not delayed by event processing.
    The diagram shows the sequence of tasks performed by the Event Manager.s
  • ProcessController bean with Event Detector MDB: Ensures that business objects are sent to the event analyst or detector module for processing. The EventDetectionsScheduleController invokes the ProcessController bean according to the setting. The ProcessController bean checks for any business objects that are due for processing within a certain time and sends them to the event analyst or event detector.
  • Event analyst or detector: Executes event rules to determine the list of the current event occurrences and the list of the future potential event occurrences, for a given business object.
  • Event persistence module: Persists the information about events that have taken place.
  • Notification Module: Sends notifications to other business systems.