Downloading, configuring and deploying the sample

Use this task to download the sample and to configure and deploy the .ear file.

Before you begin

You must have log in credentials to the IBM® InfoSphere® Master Data Management Samples and Assets site to download the InfoSphere MDM samples.


  1. Access the InfoSphere MDM Samples and Assets site:
    1. Locate and download the IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management IWM Samples Version 11.5 to your local machine.
    2. Extract the sample files and locate From this file, extract MDMDataStewardship.ear.
  2. Modify the properties found in MDMDataStewardship.ear:
    1. From MDMDataStewardship.ear, extract and open the propertiesUI.jar file.
    2. Update the following
      • client.password
      • securityModel
    3. Update the following
      • java.naming.provider.url - verify the bootstrap port for the back-end (instance application server, not the UI application server) and set it as: java.naming.provider.url=corbaloc:iiop:localhost:9810
      • ajaxEnabled=true
      • externalDocuments=ON
      • dynamicViewEnabled=true
      • view_xml=true
  3. Repackage the updated properties to the propertiesUI.jar file and then repackage propertiesUI.jar to the MDMDataStewardship.ear file and then repackage
    1. Place the changed files into the propertiesUI folder in the .ear file.
    2. Place the new file on the server in a folder under the instance folder. Later you will point WebSphere® Application Server to pick up the .ear from this instance folder.
  4. Deploy the application .ear file. In WebSphere Application Server Admin Console, select Applications > Application Types > Websphere enterprise applications. On the Enterprise Applications screen, click Install.
    1. Using the remote file system option, point to the .ear file packaged in step 3.
    2. Identify the detailed path to the .ear file.
    3. Accept the defaults for step1.
    4. Map the module to the DSUI server that you created in Creating a server and virtual host and select the check box.
    5. Accept the defaults for steps 3, 4, and 5.
    6. Map the module to the virtual host that you created Creating a server and virtual host and select the check box.
    7. Accept the remaining defaults by clicking Next.
    8. Click Finish and then Save.
    Note: Do not start the application server after the application deployment. You must finish the steps to adjust the JSF runtime and configure security settings.

What to do next

Continue with Adjusting the JSF runtime.

Last updated: 9 Dec 2016