Appends the standard output of the job to the specified file path.
bsub -o output_fileDescription
Sends the output by mail if the file does not exist, or the system has trouble writing to it.
If only a file name is specified, LSF writes the output file to the current working directory. If the current working directory is not accessible on the execution host after the job starts, LSF writes the standard output file to /tmp/.
If the specified output_file path is not accessible, the output will not be stored.
If you use the special character %J in the name of the output file, then %J is replaced by the job ID of the job. If you use the special character %I in the name of the output file, then %I is replaced by the index of the job in the array, if the job is a member of an array. Otherwise, %I is replaced by 0 (zero).
If the parameter LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT in lsf.conf is set to Y or y, the standard output of a job is written to the file you specify as the job runs. If LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT is not set, it is written to a temporary file and copied to the specified file after the job finishes. LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT is not supported on Windows.
If you use -o without -e or -eo, the standard error of the job is stored in the output file.
If you use -o with -e or -eo and the specified error_file is the same as the output_file, the error_file of the job is NULL and the standard error of the job is stored in the output file.
If you use -o without -N, the job report is stored in the output file as the file header.
If you use both -o and -N, the output is stored in the output file and the job report is sent by mail. The job report itself does not contain the output, but the report advises you where to find your output.
bsub -q short -o my_output_file "pwd; ls"
Submit the UNIX command pwd and ls as a job to the queue named short and store the job output in my_output file.