
Displays static LSF License Scheduler configuration information


blinfo -Lp | -p | -D | -G | -P
blinfo [-a [-t token_name | "token_name ..."]] [-o alpha | total] [-g "feature_group ..."]
blinfo -A [-t token_name | "token_name ..."] [-o alpha | total ] [-g "feature_group ..."]
blinfo -C [-t token_name | "token_name ..."] [-o alpha | total] [-g "feature_group ..."]
blinfo [-t token_name | "token_name ..."] [-o alpha | total] [-g "feature_group ..."]
blinfo [ -h | -V]


By default, displays information about the distribution of licenses that are managed by LSF License Scheduler.

Options for cluster mode and project mode

Shows all information, including information about non-shared licenses (defined by the NON_SHARED_DISTRIBUTION parameter) and workload distribution (defined by the WORKLOAD_DISTRIBUTION parameter).

You can optionally provide license token names.

The blinfo -a command does not display non-shared information for hierarchical project group scheduling policies. Use the blinfo -G command to see hierarchical license project group configuration.

Shows the cluster locality information for license features.

You can optionally provide license token names.

Lists the LSF License Scheduler service domains and the corresponding license server hosts.
-g feature_group ...
When the FEATURE_GROUP parameter is configured for a group of license features in the lsf.licensescheduler file, shows only information about the features that are configured in the FEATURE_LIST parameter of the specified feature groups. You can specify more than one feature group at one time.

When you specify feature names with the -t option, features in the feature list that is defined by the -t option and feature groups are both displayed.

Feature groups that are listed with -g but not defined in the lsf.licensescheduler file are ignored.

-o alpha | total
Sorts license feature information by total tokens.
Features are listed in descending alphabetical order.
Features are sorted by the descending order of the sum of licenses that are allocated to LSF workload from all the service domains that are configured to supply licenses to the feature. Licenses that are borrowed by non-LSF workload are included in this amount.
Displays values of lsf.licensescheduler configuration parameters and lsf.conf parameters that are related to LSF License Scheduler. Use this option for troubleshooting.
-t token_name | "token_name ..."
Shows only information about specified license tokens. Use spaces to separate multiple names, and enclose them in quotation marks.
When the LS_FEATURE_PERCENTAGE=Y or LS_ACTIVE_PERCENTAGE=Y parameter is specified, lists the license ownership (if applicable) in percentage.
Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
Prints the LSF License Scheduler release version to stderr and exits.

Options for project mode only

Lists the hierarchical configuration information.

If the PRIORITY parameter is defined in the ProjectGroup section of the lsf.licensescheduler file, shows the priorities of each project.

Lists the active projects that are managed by LSF License Scheduler.

The -Lp option displays only projects that are associated with configured features.

If the PRIORITY parameter is defined in the ProjectGroup section of the lsf.licensescheduler file, shows the priorities of each project.

Default output

Displays the following fields:

The license name. This name becomes the license token name.

When the LOCAL_TO parameter is configured for a feature in the lsf.licensescheduler file, the blinfo command shows the cluster locality information for the license features.

The mode of the license.
Cluster mode.
Project mode.
The name of the service domain that provided the license.
The total number of licenses that are managed by FlexNet. This number comes from FlexNet.
The distribution of the licenses among license projects in the format [project_name, percentage[/number_licenses_owned]]. Distribution shows how many licenses a project is entitled to use when there is competition for licenses. The percentage is calculated from the share that is specified in the configuration file.

All output with the -a option

As default output, plus all other feature-level parameters defined for each feature.

Cluster locality output with the -C option

The license feature token name.

When the LOCAL_TO parameter is configured for a feature in the lsf.licensescheduler file, the blinfo command shows the cluster locality information for the license features.

The actual FlexNet feature name, which is the name that is used by FlexNet to identify the type of license. Might be different from the LSF License Scheduler token name if a different LM_LICENSE_NAME is specified in the lsf.licensescheduler file.
The name of the cluster the feature is assigned to.
The license feature name. This name becomes the license token name.

When the LOCAL_TO parameter is configured for a feature in the lsf.licensescheduler file, the blinfo command shows the cluster locality information for the license features.

The service domain name.

Service Domain Output with the -D option

The service domain name.
Names of license server hosts that belong to the service domain. Each host name is enclosed in parentheses, as shown:


Redundant hosts, which share the same license manager license file, are grouped as shown:

(port_number@host_name port_number@host_name port_number@host_name)

The license manager system that the license servers in the service domain are using.

Parameters Output with the -p option

Displays values set in the Parameters section of the lsf.licensescheduler file.

Displays the following parameter values from the lsf.conf file:

Specifies the logging level of error messages for LSF License Scheduler daemons. If the LS_LOG_MASK parameter is not defined in the lsf.licensescheduler file, the value of the LSF_LOG_MASK parameter in the lsf.conf file is used. If the LS_LOG_MASK parameter and the LSF_LOG_MASK parameter are not defined, the default is LOG_WARNING.
The following log levels in order from highest to lowest are supported:

The most important LSF License Scheduler log messages are at the LOG_WARNING level. Messages at the LOG_DEBUG level are useful only for debugging.

List of hosts that are candidate LSF License Scheduler hosts. Defined in the lsf.conf file.
Specifies whether to requeue or suspend a job whose license is preempted by LSF License Scheduler. Defined in the lsf.conf file.
Specifies whether to release the resources of a job that is suspended when its license is preempted by LSF License Scheduler. Defined in the lsf.conf file.
Specifies whether to use job controls to stop a job that is preempted. Defined in the lsf.conf file.

Allocation output with -A option, project mode

The license name. This name becomes the license token name.

When the LOCAL_TO parameter is configured for a feature in the lsf.licensescheduler file, the blinfo command shows the cluster locality information for the license features.

The LSF License Scheduler project name.
The percentage of shares that are assigned to each cluster for a feature and a project.

Hierarchical Output with the -G option, project mode

The following fields describe the values of their corresponding configuration fields in the ProjectGroup Section of the lsf.licensescheduler file.

The project names in the hierarchical grouping and its relationships. Each entry specifies the name of the hierarchical group and its members. The entry is enclosed in parentheses as shown:

(group (member ...))

The shares that are assigned to the hierarchical group member projects.
The number of licenses that each project owns.
The maximum number of licenses that the hierarchical group member project can use at any one time.
The number of licenses that the hierarchical group member projects use exclusively.
The priority of the project if it is different from the default behavior. A larger number indicates a higher priority.
The description of the project group.

Project Output with the -LP option, project mode

List of active LSF License Scheduler projects.

-Lp displays only projects that are associated with configured features.

The project name.
The priority of the project if it is different from the default behavior. A larger number indicates a higher priority.
The description of the project.


The blinfo -a command (project mode) displays both NON_SHARED_DISTRIBUTION and WORKLOAD_DISTRIBUTION information when they are defined:
blinfo -a
g1           LS              3      [p1, 50.0%] [p2, 50.0% / 2]
                                   [p2, 2]
                                   [LSF 66.7%, NON_LSF 33.3%]


Reads the lsf.licensescheduler file

See also

blstat, blusers, lsf.licensescheduler, lsf.conf