
Displays pending jobs, together with the pending reasons that caused each job not to be dispatched during the last dispatch turn.




bjobs -p<level0-3>


Displays the pending reason or reasons and the number of hosts giving that reason.

  • 0: Displays bjobs -p output as before the LSF 10.1 release.
  • 1: Displays the single key pending reason.
  • 2: Displays categorized host-based pending reasons for candidate hosts in the cluster. For the candidate hosts, the actual reason on each host is shown. For each pending reason, the number of hosts that give the reason is shown. The actual pending reason messages appear from most to least common.
  • 3: Displays categorized host-based pending reasons for both candidate and non-candidate hosts in the cluster. For both the candidate and non-candidate hosts, the actual pending reason on each host is shown. For each pending reason, the number of hosts that show that reason is given. The actual reason messages appear from most to least common.

If no level is specified, the default is shown, as set by the LSB_BJOBS_PENDREASON_LEVEL parameter in the lsf.conf file.

If global limits are enabled (that is, the GLOBAL_LIMITS parameter is enabled in the lsb.params file and global limits are defined in the lsb.globalpolicies file), the pending reason also includes the total global limit amount for the resource allocation limit in the Global field if the job is blocked by the global limit value and the existing Limit Value field is a dynamically changing number that is taken from the global limits. In addition, the format of the job group name changes to "/job_group/@cluster" to show the cluster name.

With IBM® Spectrum LSF License Scheduler (LSF License Scheduler), the pending reason also includes the project name for project mode and the cluster name for cluster mode features. Jobs with an invalid project name show the project name as a hyphen (-). If a default project is configured for that feature, it shows default as the project name.

If -l is also specified, the pending reason shows the names of the hosts and any hosts that are on the job's host exclusion list.

With the LSF multicluster capability, -l shows the names of hosts in the local cluster.

Each pending reason is associated with one or more hosts and it states the cause why these hosts are not allocated to run the job. In situations where the job requests specific hosts (using bsub -m), users may see reasons for unrelated hosts also being displayed, together with the reasons associated with the requested hosts.

In the case of host-based pre-execution failure, pending reasons will be displayed.

The life cycle of a pending reason ends after the time indicated by PEND_REASON_UPDATE_INTERVAL in lsb.params.

When the job slot limit is reached for a job array (bsub -J "jobArray[indexList]%job_slot_limit") the following message is displayed:

The job array has reached its job slot limit.


bjobs -pl

Displays detailed information about all pending jobs of the invoker. Also displays the names of any hosts that are in the job's host exclusion list (that is, hosts that are excluded from the job).

bjobs -ps

Display only pending and suspended jobs.