Using IBM® Spectrum LSF with Andrew File System (AFS)

Learn how LSF integrates with Andrew File System (AFS) so you can configure LSF to suit your needs.

TGT forwarding in LSF

The purpose of TGT (ticket granting ticket) forwarding in LSF is to forward user TGT files from the job submission host to the job execution host.

About this task

Job processes can use this TGT file to assume the identity of submission user, as illustrated in the following figure:How LSF handles TGT files

The TGT file is carried along with job submission from the bsub command to the mbatchd daemon, then to the execution host. Before the user job process is started, the TGT file is set up and the KRB5CCNAME environment variable in the user process is set to point to this file.

In the following example, user data is stored in NFSv4 with Kerberos protecting. A job needs the submission user’s TGT file to access job data. Site policy also dictates that each TGT has a lifetime of 8 hours and renewal limit of 40 hours. That is, the TGT can be used for a full work day before it needs to be renewed. It can be renewed for a whole work week.


  1. Configure LSB_KRB_TGT_FWD=Y in the lsf.conf file.

    This enables the TGT forwarding feature. The TGT on the submission host is forwarded to the execution host.

  2. Configure optional Kerberos 5 parameters in the lsf.conf file.
    • Since a user TGT file can only last for 8 hours, if your job is expected to last longer than that (PEND time + RUN time), the cluster administrator can configure LSF to renew the TGT while the job is pending or running. Use the LSB_KRB_CHECK_INTERVAL parameter to define how often LSF inspects the TGT file to see if it needs renewing.
    • Use the LSB_KRB_RENEW_MARGIN parameter to specify how long before the TGT file expires that LSF renews the TGT.

      For example, if you specify LSB_KRB_CHECK_INTERVAL=15, LSF scans the TGT files every 15 minutes, and if you specify LSB_KRB_RENEW_MARGIN=30, LSF renews the TGT 30 minutes before it expires. These are typical values if the TGT lifetime is 8 hours.

  3. Before job submission, your job must get a valid TGT file on the submission host.

    Your job can get a valid TGT file on the submission host with a Kerberos 5 client command such as kinit. Most UNIX login utilities, like PAM, do this automatically. Consult with your network administrator to find the method to apply a TGT file at your site.

    The following example uses the kinit command from the MIT Kerberos 5 distribution:
    user1@host1: kinit -r 10d -f -l 30m
    Password for user1@IBM.COM:
    user1@host1: klist
    Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_34252
    Default principal: user1@EXAMPLE.COM
    Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
    05/01/22 10:29:34  05/01/22 10:59:31  krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM
           renew until 05/11/22 10:29:31
    Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt34252
    klist: You have no tickets cached
  4. Submit a job.
    For example, the job is submitted from host1, and it runs on host3, so the TGT file in wsj_vm1 is forwarded to host3. The TGT file is set up correctly on the execution host, with a name like lsf_krb5cc_<jobid>:
    user1@host1: bsub -m host3 <some program that will read NFSv4>
    Job <109> is submitted to default queue <normal>.
    user1@host3: klist lsf_krb5cc_j109_0
    Ticket cache: FILE:lsf_krb5cc_j109_0
    Default principal: user1@EXAMPLE.COM
    Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
    05/01/22 10:33:36  05/01/14 11:03:33  krbtgt/IBM.COM@IBM.COM
            renew until 05/11/22 10:29:31


After the TGT is set up on the execution host, your program can read and write to the NFSv4 volume the same as regular directories. Kerberos logic is handled by underlying system calls, so your job does not need to do anything.

LSF AFS integration

The LSF integration with AFS is effectively an application of LSF TGT forwarding, but with extra help from LSF.

About this task

The configuration of the LSF AFS integration covers the following case:

  1. The job accesses user data in an AFS volume.
    1. The job must have a valid TGT file.
    2. The job must use this TGT file to apply an AFS token.

    This ensures that the job can access user data files in an AFS volume as if they are normal files.

  2. JOB_SPOOL_DIR is defined in an AFS volume. In this case, the child sbatchd daemon, and the job RES needs to access the AFS volume to create the job file, job output, error cache, and other files.
    1. The child sbatchd daemon and the job RES must have a valid TGT file.
    2. The child sbatchd daemon and the job RES must use this TGT file to apply an AFS token.

    This ensures that the child sbatchd daemon and the job RES can access the JOB_SPOOL_DIR directory as if it is a normal directory.

LSF creates a separate PAG (process authentication group) for user jobs, the child sbatchd, and job RES to maximize the security of user tokens. This operation is depicted in the following figure:

LSF creates separate PAGs to maximize the security of user tokens.

In the following example, user data is stored in an AFS volume. This is different from NFSv4 because an AFS token is needed to access the AFS volume, and the AFS token must possess a valid TGT file. The job still needs the submission user’s TGT file to be forwarded to the execution host, but LSF must also apply an AFS token for the job based on this TGT file.

Site policy dictates that each TGT has a lifetime of 8 hours with a renewal limit of 40 hours That is, the TGT can be used without renewal for a full work day, and it can be renewed for a whole work week. AFS has the additional requirement that after TGT file is renewed, the AFS token derived from it must be renewed as well.


  1. Configure LSB_KRB_TGT_FWD=Y in the lsf.conf file.

    This enables the TGT forwarding feature, which ensures that the job, child sbatchd daemon, and job RES have valid TGT files.

  2. Configure LSB_AFS_JOB_SUPPORT=Y in the lsf.conf file.

    This ensures that LSF creates and renews AFS tokens for use by your jobs and the child sbatchd daemon, if needed.

  3. Configure optional Kerberos-related parameters in the lsf.conf file.
    • Use the LSB_KRB_CHECK_INTERVAL parameter to define how often LSF inspects the TGT file to see if it needs renewing.
    • Use the LSB_KRB_RENEW_MARGIN parameter to specify how long before the TGT file expires that LSF renews the TGT.
  4. Configure optional AFS-related parameters in the lsf.conf file.

    After the TGT file is renewed, LSF uses the aklog command to renew AFS tokens. Use the LSB_AFS_BIN_DIR parameter to specify the location of the aklog command. Specify a space-separated list of directories. If LSB_AFS_BIN_DIR is not defined, LSF defaults to the following locations: /bin, /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin.

  5. Before job submission, your job must get a valid TGT file on the submission host.

    Your job can get a valid TGT file on the submission host with a Kerberos 5 client command such as kinit. Most UNIX login utilities, like PAM, do this automatically. Consult with your network administrator to find the method to apply a TGT file at your site.

    The following example uses the kinit command from the MIT Kerberos 5 distribution:
    user1@host1: kinit -r 10d -f -l 30m
    Password for user1@IBM.COM:
    user1@host1: klist
    Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_34252
    Default principal: user1@EXAMPLE.COM
    Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
    05/01/22 10:29:34  05/01/22 10:59:31  krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM
           renew until 05/11/22 10:29:31
    Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt34252
    klist: You have no tickets cached
  6. Submit a job.

    The job can freely read and write on the AFS volume as if it is a regular directory. All housekeeping steps such as applying and renewing AFS tokens are handled by LSF. Your jobs do not need to do any housekeeping.

    For example, the job is submitted from host1, and it runs on host3, so the TGT file in wsj_vm1 is forwarded to host3. The TGT file is set up correctly on the execution host, with a name like lsf_krb5cc_<jobid>:
    user1@host1: bsub -m host3 -I "id;tokens"
    Job <212> is submitted to default queue <interactive>.
    <<Waiting for dispatch ...>>
    <<Starting on host3>>
    uid=34252(user1) gid=10007(lsf) groups=666(glsf),10007(lsf),100001(pcl),1093381397
    Tokens held by the Cache Manager:
    User's (AFS ID 34252) tokens for [Expires May  1 11:33]
       --End of list--