Installing with Linux utilities

Use the rpm command to complete the IBM® Security Directory Server installation on a Linux® system.

Before you begin

You must prepare the IBM Security Directory Server installation media. See Preparation of installation media.

About this task

The rpm installation program installs IBM Security Directory Server on a Linux system. If a supported version of DB2® is installed on the system, the installation process updates the file with the DB2 path name and version.


  1. Log in as the root user.
  2. Access the command prompt.
  3. Change the current working directory to the directory where IBM Security Directory Server installable are stored.
  4. Run the idsLicense command.
  5. If you agree to accept the terms in the Software license agreement, enter 1.
    The following options are available to you:
    • 1: To accept the license agreement.
    • 2: To decline the license agreement and exit the installation.
    • 3: To print the license agreement.
    • 4: To read non-IBM terms in the license agreement.
    • 99: To go back to the previous screen.
    On accepting the terms in the license agreement, a LAPID file and a license folder is created in the IBM Security Directory Server installation location. The license folder contains IBM Security Directory Server license files in all supported languages.
    Important: Do not modify or delete the LAPID file and the license files in the license folder.
  6. Run the following command to install the package:
    rpm -ivh package_name
    To install all IBM Security Directory Server packages, run the following command:
    rpm -ivh idsldap*
    Note: For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 and later, you must run the command with the --force option:
    rpm --force -ivh package_name
  7. Verify whether the IBM Security Directory Server installation is successful.


The installation program installs IBM Security Directory Server in the /opt/ibm/ldap/V6.4 directory on the Linux system. If a supported version of DB2 is installed on the system, the installation process updates the file with the DB2 path name and version.

What to do next

After the IBM Security Directory Server installation, you must take the following action: