Installing and configuring the SMP/E edition

The Program Directory for the product details specific installation requirements and instructions in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6. For information about the latest APAR fixes, see Fix list for IBM® SDK for Node.js - z/OS®.

The following checklist summarizes the key configuration steps for a successful installation.

Hardware prerequisites

  • z15™
  • z14®
  • z13®/z13s®
  • zEnterprise® EC12/BC12
  • zEnterprise 196/114

Software prerequisites

  • z/OS UNIX System Services enabled on any of following operating systems:
  • Integrated Cryptographic Services Facility (ICSF) must be enabled on systems where IBM SDK for Node.js - z/OS is run. For details, refer to ICSF System Programmer's Guide (SC14-7507) and ICSF Administrator's Guide (SC14-7506).
  • Perl 5.6.x or later, required for installation of the provided C/C++ runtime and compiler.
  • Python 2.7.13 or later 2.x versions, required to compile native add-ons. Must also be available on your PATH. Note that Python 3.x is not compatible.
  • Make 4.1 or later, required to compile native add-ons. Must also be available on your PATH.
Note: To download Perl, Python, or Make, go to the Rocket Software website, sign in or sign up, click Downloads, navigate to the z/OpenSource category, and use the Filter List search to find Perl (ID USSP-703), Python 2.7.13 (ID USSP-705), or Make 4.1 (ID USSP-722).
  • If your shell is bash, make sure that the Rocket bash is installed because earlier versions of bash on z/OS are known to have autoconversion issues. The Rocket bash is available for download at "Bash for z/OS" on the Rocket website.


IBM SDK for Node.js - z/OS is an OMVS-based application, which requires certain configuration on the z/OS UNIX System Services file system to ensure proper operation.

  • Validate that /usr/bin/env exists. If not configured, refer to the instructions in Verifying the env command path.
  • Ensure that /tmp has at least 1 GB or more of disk space configured. To use an alternative file system, you can set the TMP environment variable to a directory that has sufficient space.

Environment variables

You need to set the following environment variables before using IBM SDK for Node.js - z/OS.

  • Set the auto conversion environment variables:
    export _BPXK_AUTOCVT=ON
  • Configure the PATH environment variable to include the bin directories for IBM SDK for Node.js - z/OS, Python, and GNU Make tools with the following command:
    export PATH=$PATH:$PathPrefix/usr/lpp/IBM/cnj/IBM
    Note: $PathPrefix can be undefined for default installation under /usr/lpp/IBM/cnj/IBM. If the product is not installed in the default installation location, contact your system administrator for the $PathPrefix value and ensure the installation was performed properly. For detailed information, see section 6.2.1 in Program Directory (GI13-4573-00).
  • To build native add-ons, set the following environment variables:
    export CXX="njsc++"
    export CC="njsc"
    export CXX_host=$CXX 
    export LINK=$CXX 
    export CFLAGS="-q64 -fexec-charset=ISO8859-1" 
    export CXXFLAGS="-q64 -fexec-charset=ISO8859-1" 
    export LDFLAGS="-q64"
  • The C/C++ environment comes pre-configured when using npm to build native add-ons. However, if you invoke node-gyp directly to build native code, the following C/C++ compiler environment variables need to be set:
    export _C89_CCMODE=1
    export _CC_CCMODE=1
    export _CXX_CCMODE=1

npm configuration

The npm utility is included in IBM SDK for Node.js - z/OS to install Node.js modules and packages. The npm utility performs checks to limit unsafe installation of modules by root / BPXROOT. To proceed to use BPXROOT id, you can take either of the following steps:

  • Run with the --unsafe-perm npm option. For example:
    npm install <npm_module> --unsafe-perm
    You can configure this option as default with:
    npm config set unsafe-perm true
  • Create a user id: nobody and ensure it is a member of a group. npm switches to this nobody uid/gid as necessary when running as BPXROOT.