Function level 1400.100, APAR PI99238

These features are available in Q Replication Version 11.4 function level 1140.100, APAR PI99238.

New release model on z/OS® based on function levels
Q Replication on z/OS introduces a new model of adding incremental functionality mid-release, allowing compatibility-changing features to be added through PTFs while only exposing newly added function if you want to activate it. Migration scenarios are greatly simplified through the ability to specify exact Q Apply release levels for individual send queues in Q Capture. With this new model based on function levels, you can control the levels of your source and target replication programs, ensure their interoperability when the programs are at different levels, and ensure that the replication control tables are at the correct level to support your desired level of function. New Q Replication features are enabled for use when you activate function levels. If you do not take action to activate a function level after installing the APAR, you get the maintenance updates in the APAR but not the new function that is part of the APAR.

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New asncatm utility simplifies control table migration and feature activation on z/OS
You can now use a replication utility, asncatm, to migrate the Q Capture and Q Apply control tables to match the Q Replication code level on z/OS. The utility checks your existing control tables and generates SQL scripts to add new tables, new columns to existing tables, or make other DDL changes that are required for a particular Q Replication function level. You can specify that asncatm run the scripts immediately or you can run them later. The program can also be used to check the control tables without moving to a different level to ensure that they are correctly defined. And you can use asncatm to activate function levels to enable you to use all new features in a new APAR or release.

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Increased support for inline LOB replication to help performance
The default behavior for the Q Capture parameter that controls large object (LOB) replication has changed to improve performance. Previously for LOB_SEND_OPTION=I (inline), if the value in a LOB column was too big to fit in the IBM® MQ transaction message, Q Capture would follow the setting for LOB_TOO_BIG_ACTION, which if set to E would send an empty LOB value. To send LOB values larger than the Q Capture max_message_size value, you would have to use LOB_SEND_OPTION=S, which prompts Q Capture to use separate MQ messages for LOB values regardless of their actual data size. You had to chose either inline or separate. Using separate messages for all LOB data is not optimal for performance. Now, for LOB_SEND_OPTION=I, Q Capture automatically uses separate MQ messages when the LOB value is too large to be sent inline. The new behavior for LOB_SEND_OPTION=I makes using LOB_SEND_OPTION=S obsolete.

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