Setting up the ADCD package

Before you configure Z instances, set up the ADCD package.

When you run the installer, a non-root user ID (ibmsys1) is created. The user ID is required to enable the z/OS® images. You can also create other non-root user IDs.

To set up the ADCD package, complete the following steps:
  1. Check the downloadDirector directory. If other files exist in the directory, move the existing files to another directory, or change the directory set to download the files to a ZD&T specific directory.
  2. Switch to the non-root user ID (ibmsys1).
  3. Create a folder that is named volumes under /home/ibmsys1, and keep all ADCD volumes in the non-root user directory that you downloaded at step 2 of Checklist.
  4. Make sure that all volumes are owned by the non-root user ID. You can use the following command to change the owner and group.
    chown ibmsys1 *
    chgrp zpdt *
    Note: Make sure that the folder that contains *.gz and .ZPD volumes are also owned by the non-root user ID.
  5. Make sure that all volumes are executable. Otherwise, enter the following command:
    chmod 755 *
    Note: Ensure the downloadDirector was empty, or you changed the directory set to download the files to a ZD&T specific directory. Otherwise, use the command chmod 755 A4*.gz.
  6. Decompress all .gz volumes by using the Linux® command.
    gunzip *.gz
  7. Decrypt .ZPD volumes by using the command from /usr/z1090/bin:
    ./Z1091_ADCD_install <path of volume>/A4RES1.ZPD <output path of volume>/A4RES1
    For example,

For a complete list of z/OS products in ADCD, see ADCD z/OS V2R4 November Edition of 2019.