Installing Personal Edition

Learn about the steps to install ZD&T Personal Edition.

To install ZD&T Personal Edition, run the following steps from the root user ID.
  1. Open the directory that contains the installer ZDT_Install_PE_V12.0.4.0.tgz.
  2. Change the authority.
    chmod 755 ZDT_Install_PE_V12.0.4.0.tgz
  3. Decompress the installer.
    tar -xzvf ZDT_Install_PE_V12.0.4.0.tgz
  4. Optional: Read the README.txt file for the complete installation steps.
  5. Run the installer.
  6. Select 1 to install.
  7. Press ENTER, and read the license agreements carefully. At the end of the license, enter yes to accept or no to decline the terms.
  8. Optional: Enter y to install automatic network configuration. Or, enter n to decline the network configuration.

    By entering y, your z/OS® starts by using the IP of your Linux machine. This option is useful if you want to share your Linux IP address with your z/OS. Without providing a dedicated and static IP address to z/OS, you can interact with your z/OS and applications directly. Before you enter y, you need to consider that the network configuration changes your Linux and networking functions, allows the Linux firewall to reroute TCP/IP packets to z/OS, and updates the TCP/IP specifications in the z/OS disks. For more information about network configuration, see Configuring the network.

  9. Optional: Enter y to install all needed dependencies or enter n to decline.

    By entering y, all required dependencies will be installed. The list of dependencies are mentioned in the Prerequisites. You need to have access to internet and software repository to install the dependencies. Otherwise, installation will complete without dependencies, and you need to install the dependencies manually.

  10. After the installation completes, run the following command to verify whether the installation is successful.
    • RHEL operating system
      rpm -qa | grep z1091
    • UBUNTU operating system
      dpkg -l | grep z1091
    If the package is installed successfully, the following output is displayed.
    Important: The installer creates the ibmsys1 as the non-root user ID to make ZD&T work, you need to switch to ibmsys1 and change the password. If you like to create the non-root user ID, use the following commands for reference. Make sure that the non-root user ID is a part of group zpdt.
    To create the user ID, use the following command:
    useradd -d /home/ibmsys2 -g zpdt -m ibmsys2
    To delete the user ID, use the following command:
    userdel -r ibmsys2
  11. Optional: Enter the following command from /usr/z1090/bin by using the root user ID.
    The following screen is displayed.
Note: The installer changes the iptables and Firewall. If you choose to install Personal Edition without network configuration, ports 1947, 3270, 9451 and 9450 are opened. You need to review the requirement with your security administration.

If you choose to install Personal Edition with network configuration, see Configuring the network for more information about the ports that are opened.

Alternatively, after you complete steps 1 - 4, you can run the following commands to install ZD&T Personal Edition silently.
  • To install Personal Edition without automated network configuration, run the following command:
    ./ZDT_Install_PE_V12.0.4.0.x86_64 --install
  • To install Personal Edition with automated network configuration, run the following command:
    ./ZDT_Install_PE_V12.0.4.0.x86_64 --install --net
  • To install the dependencies, run the following command.
    ./ZDT_Install_PE_V12.0.4.0.x86_64 --install --dep
  • Silent installation does not install any required dependencies. You need to install the dependencies before you start the installer silently. For the list of dependencies, see Prerequisites.
  • Silent installation does not display the option to review the license. The installation process assumes that you have reviewed the license before the installation. Read the license that is described in the installation media, or use the command line option to install Personal Edition interactively.