Configuring the BIRT runtime for ClearQuest reporting

Configure the BIRT Report Viewer with the ClearQuest® Reporting Driver for running ClearQuest reports. The required files for the ClearQuest Reporting Driver are available from the reports folder in the ClearQuest home directory.

Before you begin

To complete these configuration tasks, these components must be available in the ClearQuest environment:
Attention: The information in this section applies to WebSphere Application Server version 7.0. See Technote 1569987 for information on installing and configuring WebSphere Application Server version 8.0.

About this task

Note: These configuration instructions are for BIRT version 2.6.2. For information about and selecting and installing other BIRT versions, see Technote 1509579 .
To run BIRT reports from ClearQuest data sources, copy the ClearQuest Reporting Driver files to the appropriate directory of the BIRT web application. The ClearQuest Reporting Driver files are packaged as Eclipse plug-ins that are installed automatically with any ClearQuest feature. You can find the plug-ins in this directory:
UNIX and Linux
The BIRT Viewer plug-ins are found in the WebSphere Application Server profile directory where ClearQuest applications are deployed. The default profile directories for Windows, UNIX, and Linux platforms are:
UNIX and Linux
Where cq_profile_dir is the default WebSphere Application profile directory that contains both the ClearQuest applications and the files for the BIRT server runtime environment.
Note: The default WebSphere Application Server cell directory is dfltCell on Windows, Unix, and Linux platforms. On the Solaris platform, the default is <srv>Node01Cell.


  1. Go to the ClearQuest Reporting Driver installation directory in the CLEARQUEST_HOME/reports/driver folder.
  2. Copy the plug-ins in this directory to the BIRT Report Viewer plug-ins directory cq_profile_dir/installedApps/dfltCell/<birt-war.ear>/birt.war/WEB-INF/platforms/plugins.

What to do next

Verify the BIRT deployment.
