Configuring Rational Team Concert for ClearQuest reporting

To run and share ClearQuest reports created with Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT), configure the Rational Team Concert with the ClearQuest Reporting Driver.

Before you begin

The ClearQuest Reporting Driver requires version 6 Java Runtime Environment. By default, your Jazz Team Server might be using an older Java Runtime Environment (JRE) which does not support the ClearQuest Reporting Driver. To update the JRE, complete these steps:
  1. Go to the directory IBM\JazzTeamServer\server.
  2. Make a backup copy of the server startup configuration file server.startup.bat on Windows or server.start on Linux and UNIX.
  3. Edit the server startup configuration to set the JRE_HOME parameter with the path to the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

    If ClearQuest is installed on the same server as the Jazz Team Server, you can start the Jazz Team Server with the JRE included with ClearQuest.

    On Windows
    Edit server.startup.bat to add this line:
    set JRE_HOME=D:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\common\Java5.0\jre\
    On Linux
    Add this line to server startup:
    Note: If you use the JAVA 6 Virtual Machine provided with ClearQuest, comment out this line:
    # JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xmx4000M"

About this task

These instructions apply to configuring the Rational Team Concert web client and the Rational Team Concert Eclipse client with the ClearQuest Reporting Driver. In these environments, the reports to be managed and run must be deployed on the Rational Team Concert server. To create or modify reports by using the Rational Team Concert Eclipse client, see Configuring an Eclipse Workbench for ClearQuest reporting activities.


  1. Copy the ClearQuest Reporting Driver update site from /clearquest/reports/driver to the appropriate Jazz Team Server directory.
    For Rational Team Concert 2.x:
    <rtc home>/jazz/server
    For Rational Team Concert 3.x:
    rtc home/JazzTeamServer/server/conf/ccm/sites.
  2. Rename the copied driver directory to cq-report-driver-update-site.
  3. Create a provision profile for the ClearQuest Reporting Driver.
    For Rational Team Concert 2.x:
    In the directory <rtc home>\jazz\server\conf\jazz\provision_profiles, copy the file profile.ini and save it as cq-report-driver-profile.ini
    For Rational Team Concert 3.x:
    In the directory <rtc home>\JazzTeamServer\server\conf\jts\provision_profiles, copy the file profile.ini and save it as cq-report-driver-profile.ini.
  4. Edit cq-report-driver-profile.ini and update the url and featureid parameters with these values:
    Note: Tip: On Windows systems, edit the file with WordPad rather than Notepad.
  5. Remove the directory /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/tomcat/work.
  6. Restart the Rational Team Concert server.
