Installation and user data file locations

When you install AppScan® Source, user data and configuration files are stored outside of the installation directory.

Default installation location

When AppScan Source is installed, the software is placed in one of these default locations:

  • 32-bit versions of Microsoft Windows:
    <SYSTEMDRIVE>:\Program Files\IBM\AppScanSource
  • 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows:
    <SYSTEMDRIVE>:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\AppScanSource
  • Linux: If you are the root user, the Installation Wizard installs your software in /opt/ibm/appscansource. If you are not the root user, you can install the AppScan Source for Development Eclipse plug-in - which installs to <home_directory>/AppScan_Source by default.
  • macOS: /Applications/
Note: As of version, AppScan Source no longer supports macOS or iOS Xcode project scanning.
  • The installation directory name can only contain English characters. Folders with names containing non-English characters are not permitted.
  • If you are installing on Windows, you must have Administrator privileges to install AppScan Source components.
  • If you are installing on Linux, you must have root privileges to install AppScan Source server components.

Default AppScan Source data directory

AppScan Source data consists of items such as configuration, sample, and log files. When AppScan Source is installed, data files are placed in these locations by default:

  • Microsoft Windows: <SYSTEMDRIVE>:\ProgramData\IBM\AppScanSource
    Note: ProgramData\ is a hidden folder, and to see it you must modify your view preferences in Explorer to show hidden files and folders.
  • Linux: /var/opt/ibm/appscansource
  • macOS: /Users/Shared/AppScanSource

To learn how to change the location of the AppScan Source data directory, see Changing the AppScan Source data directory.

AppScan Source temporary file location

Some AppScan Source operations result in the creation of temporary files, which are stored in these locations by default:

  • Microsoft Windows: <SYSTEMDRIVE>:\ProgramData\IBM\AppScanSource\temp
    Note: ProgramData\ is a hidden folder, and to see it you must modify your view preferences in Explorer to show hidden files and folders.
  • Linux: /var/opt/ibm/appscansource/temp
  • macOS: /Users/Shared/AppScanSource/temp

The temporary file location is always located in a temp directory in the AppScan Source data directory. You can change the temporary file location by changing the data directory, as described in Changing the AppScan Source data directory. This will cause the temp to be located in the data directory that you have chosen.