Model-view-controller architecture
According to the MVX pattern, a software component should be separated into layers along the following lines:
Model | Encapsulates the information (data) and the methods to operate on that information (business logic). Managed beans define the model of a JSF application. These Java™ beans typically interface with reusable business logic components or external systems, such as a mainframe or database. |
View | Presents the model. JSPs make up the view of a JSF web application. These JSPs are built using predefined and custom-made UI components and by connecting these components to the model. |
Controller | Processes user events and drives model and view updates. The Faces Servlet, which handles the request processing lifecycle defined by JSF, drives the application flow. |
JSF enables Java programmers to focus on backend data encapsulation development that is then integrated with the UI. It enables Web page creators to create UI by assembling prebuilt JSF components that already contain the necessary logic.