IBM Content Manager, Version 8.5           

Getting started with IBM Content Manager Enterprise Edition installation

After you plan IBM® Content Manager Enterprise Edition, wizards can guide you though installing, configuring, upgrading, or removing Content Manager EE.

The following table summarizes and links to the high-level tasks for installing Content Manager EE.
Table 1. Content Manager EE overview
Installation or configuration supertask What you can do When to perform
Hardware and software requirements for Content Manager EE Install all the operating system prerequisites and any optional prerequisites like Tivoli® Storage Manager. Perform before you begin the product installation.
Planning for Content Manager EE Analyze your business needs and decide what Content Manager EE components to install, which workstations to install them on, and their configurations. Perform before you begin the product installation.
Preparing Oracle for a Content Manager EE installation Before you can install Content Manager EE, you must first configure the listener, and create Content Manager EE databases and schemas in Oracle. Perform once before installing and configuring the product.
Installing and configuring Content Manager EE The installation wizard and configuration manager will guide you through the Content Manager EE installation. Perform once to install and configure the product.
Silent installation and configuration for Content Manager EE A silent installation uses a response file to specify the configuration parameters so that you can install Content Manager EE by command line rather than the installation wizards. Perform once to install and configure the product silently.
Upgrading IBM Content Manager Enterprise Edition from Version 8.4.3 to Version 8.5 An update wizard will guide you through the Content Manager EE upgrade. Perform once to update the product.
Setting up your storage method Depending on your setup, you can use Tivoli Storage Manager or Network Attached Storage as your storage method. Perform once per storage method.
Removing content management system components An uninstallation wizard will guide you though the Content Manager EE uninstallation. Perform once to remove IBM Content Manager Enterprise Edition.


Last updated: December 2013

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