IBM Security Privileged Identity Manager, Version 2.1.0

Setting up a stand-alone or primary node for IBM Security Privileged Identity Manager

Log on to the Initial Configuration wizard from the web user interface to complete the virtual appliance setup tasks for stand-alone or primary node for IBM® Security Privileged Identity Manager.

Before you begin

  • Configure the initial virtual appliance settings.
  • Collect the following information:
    • Setup mode selection

      Choose from Guided or Advanced setup mode.

    • Session recording activation code
    • Application identity management activation code
    • Root CA or signer certificate configuration
    • Mail server configuration
    • Database server configuration.
    • Directory server configuration.


  1. On a client workstation with a web browser, enter the host name of the configured virtual appliance in the following format.
    For example:
  2. Log on to the IBM Security Privileged Identity Manager virtual appliance with the administrator credentials.
    Note: The default user password to log on to the virtual appliance administrator console is admin. If you changed the password during the virtual machine setup, use that password. If you did not change the password, use the default administrator password, which is admin.
    • Configured login: admin
    • Password: admin
  3. Select the Set up a stand-alone node for IBM Security Privileged Identity Manager OR Set up a Primary node for the IBM Security Privileged Identity Manager cluster deployment mode option.
  4. Choose one of the following configuration modes and click Next page.
    Option Actions
    Guided Configuration
    1. Follow the steps in the wizard.
    2. Go to step 6.
    Advanced Configuration
    1. Use a properties response file that contains the predefined values for the configuration parameters.
      Note: The response file must have an extension of .txt, .rsp, .response, .props, or .properties.
      See Sample virtual appliance configuration response file.
    2. Upload the response file to the Mode Selection page.
    3. Click Next page.
    4. Go to step 11.
  5. Optional: If your deployment relies on the virtual appliance hosts file for name resolving IP addresses to host names for external resources such as the database and directory server, in navigation pane, click Maintain Hosts File.

    You can add the host names and IP addresses for prerequisite hosts such the database and directory server before proceeding with server configuration. mydb.example.local
  6. On the Session Recording Activation and Application Identity Management Activation pages, take one of the following actions and click Next page:
  7. Optional: On the Root CA Configuration page, take one of the following actions and click Next page.
    • To customize the self-signed certificate, click Update.
    • Click Export if you plan to set up a cluster of virtual appliances. You must upload the exported Root CA certificate to the Load Balancer.
  8. Configure the mail server and click Next page.
  9. Configure the database settings for the following data stores and click Next page. For information about database settings, see Table 1.
    • Identity
    • Single Sign-On
    • Session Recording
  10. Configure the directory server and click Next page. For information about directory server, see Table 1.
  11. On the Completion Setup page, complete the following tasks that depend on the configuration mode you selected.
    Important: When the configuration process begins, do not refresh the page or close the browser session.
    • Guided Configuration: Review the instructions and click Complete Setup to complete the configuration process.
    • Advanced Configuration: Review the instructions and click Start Configuration to begin the configuration process.
    After the configuration completes, a link to restart the virtual appliance is displayed. If the mail server configuration setup is correct, an email notification is sent when the virtual appliance configuration is complete.
  12. Click the restart link to restart the virtual appliance.
    Note: Check the restart status in the hypervisor console.
