Image card schema

Use image cards to display images and to associate data items with hotspot areas on the image.

The structure of the image card schema is as follows:

For the dashboard schema, see the Dashboard JSON reference topic.


An image card is defined in a cards array.


    "cards": [{
        "id": "sensor-readings-image",
        "size": "LARGE",
        "title": "Sensor Readings",
        "type": "IMAGE",
        "content": {
            "alt": "Sensor Readings",
            "zoomMax": 5,
            "id": "world_map",
            "hotspots": [{
                "icon": "carbon-icon",
                "color": "'#0F0",
                "content": {
                    "title": "Sensor readings",
                    "description": "Image card for Sensor readings",
                    "attributes": [{
                        "dataSourceId": "temp_last",
                        "label": "Temperature",
                        "unit": "F"
                "type": "fixed",
                "locations": [{
                    "x": "22.85",
                    "y": "33.183"
                "thresholds": [{
                    "dataSourceId": "temp_last",
                    "comparison": ">=",
                    "value": 100,
                    "color": "red",
                    "icon": "Close filled"
        "dataSource": {
            "attributes": [{
                    "aggregator": "last",
                    "attribute": "temp",
                    "id": "temp_last"
                    "aggregator": "last",
                    "attribute": "humidity",
                    "id": "humidity_last"
                    "aggregator": "last",
                    "attribute": "wind",
                    "id": "wind_last"
                    "aggregator": "last",
                    "attribute": "conditions",
                    "id": "conditions_last"
            "range": {
                "type": "rolling",
                "count": -1,
                "interval": "day"
    "title": "Example"

Table 1. Cards

Parameter Description Type Required
id The id identifies the card in the JSON file. The ID must be unique per dashboard. string yes
size The size of the card. Valid values are MEDIUM,MEDIUMWIDE, LARGE, and LARGEWIDE. Migrate your card size accordingly. string yes
title The title to display on the card. string yes
type The type of card. Use IMAGE. string yes
content A definition of the content to display on the card. object yes
dataSource Information about the source of each data item that is displayed on the card or that is used in thresholding. object yes
timeRange The relative time range to select by default for the card. Valid values are last24Hours, last7Days, lastMonth, lastQuarter, lastYear, thisWeek, thisMonth, thisQuater and thisYear. string no


In cards.content, specify the image to display. If you include hotspots, specify the information to display in the hotspot.


    "content": {
        "alt": "Sensor Readings",
        "zoomMax": 5,
        "id": "world_map",
        "hotspots": [{
            "icon": "carbon-icon",
            "color": "'#0F0",
            "content": {
                "title": "Sensor readings",
                "description": "Image card for Sensor readings",
                "attributes": [{
                    "dataSourceId": "temp_last",
                    "label": "Temperature",
                    "unit": "F"
            "type": "fixed",
            "locations": [{
                "x": "22.85",
                "y": "33.183"
            "thresholds": [{
                "dataSourceId": "temp_last",
                "comparison": ">=",
                "value": 100,
                "color": "red",
                "icon": "Close filled"

Table 2. Content

Parameter Description Type Required
hideMinimap Hide the minimap on the image. The minimap helps to orient you when you zoom in on the image. The default value is true. BOOLEAN no
hideHotspots Hide hotspots on the image. The default value is tfalse. BOOLEAN no
hideZoomControls Hide the zoom controls on the image. The default value is true. BOOLEAN no
zoomMax The maximum zoom level on the image. With zoomMax, you can zoom in beyond the 1:1 resolution of an image. Set zoomMax if you want to differentiate hotspots that are close together. integer no
alt Alternative text for the image. string no
id The ID of the image. The ID must match an ID in the database. Note: When you add an image, you can associate multiple entities with a single image ID. You can associate different image files with each device. In a device dashboard, the image that is associated with that instance is displayed. If no image is found for the instance, the device image is displayed, if available. string yes
hotspot A collection of hotspot objects. Each hotspot object in the array provides a definition of the hotspot. The hotspot definition might apply to a single location on the image or multiple locations. If you want to include a simple image on a card, omit the hotspot configuration. array no


In cards.content.hotspots, define the appearance of the hotspot, the content to display and the icon to use.


    "hotspots": [{
        "icon": "Information filled",
        "color": "'#0F0",
       "content": {
            "title": "Sensor readings",
            "description": "Image card for Sensor readings",
            "attributes": [{
                "dataSourceId": "temp_last",
                "label": "Temperature",
                "unit": "F"
        "type": "fixed",
        "locations": [{
            "x": "22.85",
            "y": "33.183"
        "thresholds": [{
            "dataSourceId": "temp_last",
            "comparison": ">=",
            "value": 100,
            "color": "red",
            "icon": "Close filled"

Table 3. Hotspots

Parameter Description Type Required
icon The name of the hotspot icon. Specify an icon from the UI icons library in the Carbon Design System. Use the icon name from the design system. For example, to assign an Information filled icon, enter "icon": "Information filled". If no icon is specified, the hotspot is rendered as a semi-transparent circle. For more information about specifying an icon, see the Icons section of Dashboard features. string no
color Defines the color of the hotspot icon. Specify the color using its hex code or its name. The hex code must start with # and be 7 characters long. If you specify the name of the color, the name must be in lower case, for example, purple. string no
content Define the information to display in each hotspot. object yes
locations Define the location of the hotspot on the image card. array yes
thresholds Define alerts to apply to the hotspot. array no
borderWidth Define the width of the hotspot border. string no
backgroundOpacity Level of opacity in the bakground. Use a value between 0 and 100. string no
fontSize Font size for the hotspot text. string no
type Defines the type of hotspot. Set to fixed to define the location of the hotspot by using x and y coordinates. Set to dynamic, to specify the location using data items. Set to text to display the hotspot as a label that this always visible. string yes
fontSize Font size for the hotspot text. string no
fontSize Font size for the hotspot text. string no
fontColor If setting a label, use to set the font color. string no
backgroundColor If setting a label, use to set the background color of the label. string no
borderColor If setting a label, use to set the border color of the label. string no

In cards.content.hotspots.content, specify a title to display on each hotspot and specify the data items to display in each hotspot location.


    "content": {
        "title": "Sensor readings for {deviceid} ",
        "description": "Image card for Sensor readings",
        "attributes": [{
            "dataSourceId": "temp_last",
            "label": "Temperature",
            "unit": "F"

Table 4. Hotspots content

Parameter Description Type Required
title The title to display on the hotspot. You can add {deviceid} to the title to display the ID of the associated device. string yes
description A description of the hotspot content. string no
attributes Defines the data items to display in each hotspot. object yes

In cards.content.hotspots.content.attributes, specify the data items to display in each hotspot. The same data items are displayed in each hotspot on a card.


    "attributes": [{
        "dataSourceId": "temp_last",
        "label": "Temperature",
        "unit": "F"

Table 5. Attributes

Parameter Description Type Required
dataSourceId A unique ID for the data item whose value is displayed. The data item must also be defined in the dataSource object. string yes
Label The label to use for the data item. string yes
unit Specify the unit that the data item is measured in, for example, %. string no

In cards.content.hotspots.locations, specify each hotspot location using a location object.


The following is an example of specifying the location by using x and y coordinates. You must use this approach for labels.

    "locations": [{
        "x": 65,
        "y": 65.5

In the following example, the x and y coordinates are specified using data items.

    "locations": [{
        "xDataSourceId": "x",
        "yDataSourceId": "y"

Table 6. Locations

Parameter Description Type Required
x Percentage placement from the left of the image card. The valid range is 0 to 100%. For 10%, enter a value of 10. For help with defining the x value, see Defining the location of hotspots string no
y Percentage placement from the top of the image card. The valid range is 0 to 100%. For 10%, enter a value of 10. For help with defining the y value, see Defining the location of hotspots string no
xDataSourceId Represents the percentage placement from the left of the image card. Enter x. Specify the actual value in a data item named x in the data lake. string no
yDataSourceId Represents the percentage placement from the top of the image card. Enter y. Specify the actual value in a data item named y in the data lake. string no

In cards.content.hotspots.thresholds, define alerts.


    "thresholds": [{
        "dataSourceId": "temp_last",
        "comparison": ">=",
        "value": 100,
        "color": "red",
        "icon": "Close filled"

Table 8. Thresholds

Parameter Description Type Required
color The color of the alert. Specify the color using its hex code or its name. The hex code must start with # and be 7 characters long. If you specify the name of the color, the name must be in lower case, for example, purple. string no
comparision The comparison operator to apply to the threshold value. Valid values are >, <, or =. string no
icon The icon to display if an alert is generated. Specify an icon from the UI icons library in the Carbon Design System. Use the icon name from the design system. For example, to assign an Warning filled icon, enter "icon": "Warning filled". For more information about specifying an icon, see the Icons section of Dashboard features. string no
value The threshold value. string no


In cards.dataSource, connect the information that is displayed on a hotspot on a card or that is used in alerts to data items in the data lake.


    "dataSource": {
        "attributes": [{
                "aggregator": "last",
                "attribute": "temp",
                "id": "temp_last"
                "aggregator": "last",
                "attribute": "humidity",
                "id": "humidity_last"
                "aggregator": "last",
                "attribute": "wind",
                "id": "wind_last"
                "aggregator": "last",
                "attribute": "conditions",
                "id": "conditions_last"
        "range": {
            "type": "rolling",
            "count": -1,
            "interval": "day"

Table 9. dataSource

Parameter Description Type Required
attributes A definition of the source of the data that is used in hotspot and in alerts. array yes
range Specifies a time range for the data items. array no


In cards.dataSource.attributes, specify the aggregation method to apply to each attribute or data item.


    "attributes": [{
            "aggregator": "last",
            "attribute": "temp",
            "id": "temp_last"
            "aggregator": "last",
            "attribute": "humidity",
            "id": "humidity_last"
            "aggregator": "last",
            "attribute": "wind",
            "id": "wind_last"
            "aggregator": "last",
            "attribute": "conditions",
            "id": "conditions_last"
            "attribute": "y",
            "id": "x"
            "attribute": "y",
            "id": "y"

Table 10. dataSource attributes

Parameter Description Type Required
aggregator An aggregation method to apply to the data item at the dashboard level. Valid values min, max, mean, first, count, std, sum, last. If you do not specify an aggreator, a value of last is used. string yes
attribute The data item name. Corresponds to a name in the data lake. string yes
id An ID for the data item. The ID corresponds to the dataSourceId. string yes


In cards.dataSource.range, you specify the time range for all data items that are displayed on the card or are used in threshold definitions.


    "range": {
        "type": "rolling",
        "count": -1,
        "interval": "day"

Table 11. Range

Parameter Description Type Required
type Valid values are rolling or periodToDate. Rolling period rolls to the current date whereas periodToDate ends on the first day of each calendar month. If you select periodToDate, and you set to the range to the last 2 months, on Dec 2, the date range is up until the 1st of December (the first day of the current calendar month). string yes
count A negative number representing the number of interval units to subtract from the dashboard end date. For example, if the dashboard end date is today and the time interval is "day", enter -1 to display the last 24 hours of data in the card. string yes
interval Time interval. Valid values are hour, day, week, month, quarter, year. string yes