Simplified phrase templates

To avoid wordiness and make phrases shorter, you can remove the {this} placeholder if there is no ambiguity between BOM members.

If there is no ambiguity between members of the BOM in different classes, you can remove the {this} placeholder for the declaring class from the verbalization. This produces shorter phrases and makes your business rules less verbose.

Removing the {this} placeholder causes a vocabulary warning by default, but as long as you know that the phrase is not ambiguous, you can set a preference to ignore this warning.

For example, if you change the verbalization of from {name} of {this} to {name}, everywhere in your business rules you can use the phrase the name instead of the name of the customer. However, if you have verbalized as {name} in the same BOM, you must modify one of the phrase templates to avoid ambiguity. For example, you could verbalize to {customer name}.

When using phrases that contain no {this} placeholder in their verbalizations, a binding on the working memory is generated in the IRL translation of the rule. In order to execute this kind of rule, an object of the right type must be inserted into the working memory.