Setting the Java logging level on the Liberty profile server

You can change the type of information that is reported in the server log.

About this task

XU: The WebSphere® Liberty profile server uses the XU in Java™ SE mode. Therefore, use the traceLevel and traceAutoflush properties of the XU connection factory to tune the log.

Other execution components: For other execution components, such as the Rule Execution Server console, the primary location for the logging configuration is in the server.xml file. By default, the logging level in WebSphere Liberty is set to audit. If you want to change it, you have to add a logging element to the server configuration file as follows:
<logging traceSpecification="*"/>
The example sets the logging level to all for the Hosted Transparent Decision Service (HTDS), and to audit for all other components. In a default WebSphere Liberty profile server installation, the log messages are saved to the trace.log file in the logs directory of the server.

For more information, see the IBM® WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core documentation.