Changing ports

The PowerHA SystemMirror GUI uses ports to facilitate remote communication. The GUI server uses port 8080 to allow remote browsers to connect to it. The GUI agent uses port 8081 to allow the server to communicate with it. If these ports are not compatible with your firewall configuration, they might be changed.

The PowerHA SystemMirror GUI server and the PowerHA SystemMirror GUI agent have the following configuration files:
  • GUI Server: /usr/es/sbin/cluster/ui/server/configuration-server.json
  • GUI Agent: /usr/es/sbin/cluster/ui/agent/configuration-agent.json

The configuration files of the PowerHA SystemMirror GUI server and the PowerHA SystemMirror GUI agent can be manually edited to change the default ports. An example port number section of the GUI server configuration file follows:

"port": 8080, // Server port

"agentPort": 8081, // Port of the agent

To change the port number of the PowerHA SystemMirror server, you must change the port setting. To change the port number of the PowerHA SystemMirror agent, you must change the agentPort setting. If you change a port setting in the server configuration file, you must to update the agent configuration file on every node in each cluster that is being managed by that server. The current, remote GUI agents listen on the original port number. Similarly, if you change the port number of the GUI server, the GUI agents are not aware of the change and the GUI agents try to connect on the old port number. Therefore, you must make similar changes in every agent configuration file.

An example port number section of the GUI agent configuration file follows:
"serverURI": "", // Smui-App URI
"port": 8081, // Server port
If the configuration file of the GUI server is modified to use a new port number for the GUI agent, the port property in the configuration file of every GUI agent must be updated to match the new value. If the port number of the GUI server is changed, the serverURI property of each GUI agent must be updated to specify the new port number. For example, if cluster XYZ has strict firewall rules that do not allow port number 8080 to be used in the data center, and if the network team allows the use of port number 1234, then perform the following steps:
  • Before you modify the configuration files, ensure that you back up the files.
  • All non-numeric values in the configuration file must be enclosed in double quotation marks ( " ), except for the Boolean values, true and false.
  1. In the configuration-agent.json file, change the port setting in the range 8080 - 1234 and then restart the server by using the following command:

    GUI Server: stopsrc -cs phauiserver; sleep 11; startsrc -s phauiserver

  2. On every node that is running a GUI agent, change the serverURI in the configuration-agent.json file from "serverURI": "", to "serverURI": "", and then restart the GUI agent.
    When these files are updated, both the GUI server and the GUI agent must be restarted for the new configuration changes to take effect. To restart the GUI agent, run the following command:
    stopsrc -cs phauiagent; sleep 11; startsrc -s phauiagent