Running FileNet Process Designer

Use FileNet Process Designer to create, start, and process workflow definitions.

Before you begin

The section is specific to installing the standalone Process Designer application available in Content Platform Engine V5.5.0 through V5.5.5. For Content Platform Engine V5.5.6 and later, refer technote How to launch Process Designer application which describes Content Platform Engine Tools utilities.

If you want to run the stand-alone FileNet Process Designer client, you must have installed the workflow tools during your server and client installations. You can install the client after a regular install by re-running the Content Platform Engine installer, and choosing the Tools option.

About this task

Restriction: Your license agreement determines which FileNet Process Designer features you are entitled to use.


To run FileNet Process Designer:

  1. Preferably, set the resolution of your display to 1280 x 960. The default size of the FileNet Process Designer window is 1024 X 768.
  2. If necessary, download and install the appropriate Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE). You are prompted to do so the first time that you run FileNet Process Designer.
  3. Run FileNet Process Designer in one of the following ways:
    Option Description
    Start from the FileNet Process Designer startup batch file
    1. Navigate to the intall_path/tools/PE directory.
    2. In the tools directory, open a Windows command prompt.
    3. Run the following command, using the name of the connection point that you want to use:
      pedesigner.bat myConnectionPointName
    4. When prompted, enter the user name and password for the tool.
    Tip: You can create a Windows shortcut to run the PE Designer batch file.

    Start from IBM® Content Navigator

    1. Disable any software that is used to block pop-up windows to enable FileNet Process Designer to display option menus and other interface items.
    2. Start IBM Content Navigator.
    3. Click the Open Browse View icon on the icon strip that is next to the navigation pane.
    4. In the navigation pane, select the object store.
    5. If FileNet Process Designer is already running (because you previously opened it for another object store), close FileNet Process Designer.
    6. Right-click the object store and click Open Process Designer. (If this menu action is not present, see Configuring the Process applets to run from IBM Content Navigator.) Alternatively, to edit a workflow definition, find the definition within the object store, right-click it, and click Open.