(Optional) Configuring the sweep policy for external share

To enforce the expiration date on shared content, the share feature includes a share-related sweep and a sweep disposition policy that checks for share instances at specified intervals and takes appropriate actions. You can edit the policy to change the intervals for the sweep actions.


To review and edit the sweep:

  1. In the Administration Console for Content Platform Engine, navigate to Sweep Management > Sweep Policies > Disposal Policies > Share Disposition Policy.
  2. On the General tab, review the Filter expression to determine whether you want to update any settings for the following items:
    (DateCreated + TimeSpan(30,'days') < Now() AND ClbShareRecipientResponse=0 
    AND ClbShareExpiryDate IS NULL) OR(ClbShareRecipientResponse=2 AND 
    ClbShareRecipientResponseDate + TimeSpan(30,'days') < Now() ) OR 
    (Now() > ClbShareExpiryDate) OR NOT (ClbShareRecipient SATISFIES (Id IS NOT NULL)) 
    OR NOT (ClbShareIssuer SATISFIES (Id IS NOT NULL))
    For example:
    • Rule for pending deletion - Recipient has not accepted the share. The default is 30 days and can be modified.
      (DateCreated + TimeSpan(30, 'days') &lt; Now() AND ClbShareStatus=0)
    • Rule for rejected status - Recipient rejects the share. The default is 30 days and can be modified.
      (ClbShareRecipientResponse=2 AND ClbShareRecipientResponseDate + 
      TimeSpan(30,'days') < Now() )
    • Rule for expired timer - Expired share will be removed. (Removal happens when the sweep is run, not necessarily on the exact time or day.)
      Now() &gt; ClbShareExpiryDate
    • Rule for recipient that was removed from the LDAP:
      NOT (ClbShareRecipient SATISFIES (Id IS NOT NULL))
    • Rule for issuer that was removed from the LDAP:
      NOT (ClbShareIssuer SATISFIES (Id IS NOT NULL))
    Note: As a best practice, if you need to remove an issuer from the LDAP directory server, make sure that all shares are changed to the new issuer first. If you do not, the share records are removed.
  3. Save your changes.
  4. Navigate to Sweep Management > Policy Controlled Sweeps > Share.
  5. If necessary, update the schedule for when the sweep runs.
    With the default setting, the sweep runs continuously. You can create a schedule if you want the sweep to run less often.
  6. Save your changes.