Restoring file system data

To restore file system data from a vSnap repository, define a job that restores data from either the newest backup or an earlier backup copy. By using the File Systems File-Level Restore browser, you can select the file system resources to add to the job, and specify whether to restore data to another file system or to a different directory in the same file system on the same host.

Before you begin

Important: File are always restored to the same host machine.
  • Ensure that at least one file system backup job was run successfully. For instructions about setting up a backup job, see Backing up file system data.
  • Ensure that appropriate IBM Spectrum® Protect Plus roles and resource groups are assigned to the user who is setting up the restore job. For instructions about assigning roles, see Managing user access.

Ensure that the system has sufficient space to allow the restore operation to complete. For more information about space requirements, see Space requirements for file system protection. For more information about prerequisites and setup, see Prerequisites for file system protection.

About this task

Attention: When you define the restore job, the Run cleanup immediately on job failure option is selected by default. This option must not be cleared unless you are instructed by the IBM® Software Support team to do so.
Important: Restoring of files is always on the same host machine.


  1. In the navigation panel, expand Manage Protection > File Systems and click Create job Create job.
  2. Select Restore.
    The Restore wizard opens.
  3. Optional: If you started the restore wizard from the Jobs and Operations page, click file system as the source type and click Next.
    • For a running summary of your selections in the wizard, click Preview Restore in the navigation panel in the wizard.
    • The wizard is opened in the default setup mode. To run the wizard in advanced setup mode, select Advanced Setup. With advanced setup mode, you can set more options for your restore job.
  4. On the Select source page, click a file system server to show the volumes that are available on that server. Select a volume by clicking the plus icon Add to restore list icon next to that volume name . Only one file system volume from the backup can be added. Click Next to continue.
  5. On the Source snapshot page, select the snapshot that you want to restore. Click Next to continue.
    The available snapshots for the selected volume are listed with a timestamp, the associated SLA policy, and the source type that is available: backup, archive, or replication copy.
    Figure 1. Selecting a source snapshot
    Select source snapshot
  6. On the Review page, review your selections for the restore job. If all selections are correct, click Submit, or click Back to edit the selections.
    The Active Resources tab in Jobs and Operations is opened to show the active resource that is prepared when you exit the restore wizard.
    Note: The active resource for the restore job that is submitted is not immediate and takes some time to display.
  7. Open the File Systems File-Level Restore browser by clicking Open Browser on the Active Resources tab.
    Figure 2. Opening the File Systems File-Level Restore browser from the Active Resources tab
    Open the File Systems File-Level Restore browser
  8. In the File Systems File-Level Restore browser, select the file system resources to add to the restore job. Add items by clicking the add icon Add resource next to the appropriate item.
    Figure 3. File Systems File-Level Restore browser: adding resources to the Restore List section
    Adding file system resources by using the File Systems File-Level Restore
  9. Optional: You can specify more options for the restore operation as follows:
    • To overwrite an existing copy of the file or directory for the restore job, click Overwrite.
    • To specify an alternative location for the restore job, click Options and enter a valid Windows local volume path as the target.
    • To overwrite the existing copy of the file or directory at the alternative location, click Overwrite.
    • If you cannot find the file or directory that you want to add to the restore list, use the search capability. Search with options to specify searching for files or directories. Use wildcard symbols * to broaden the search for partial name strings, as shown. Search files and directories
    Restriction: Network shares are not valid alternative locations for restore jobs.
    Figure 4. Specifying an alternative location for the restore job in the File Systems File-Level Restore browser
    Alternative location
  10. Click Restore to start the restore process.
    Existing files are overwritten only if the Overwrite option is selected. If files with identical names are detected during the operation, a timestamp is added to the new file and both files are stored at the restore location.
  11. Optional: Monitor the progress of the restore operation in the Restore Tasks pane.
    Tip: The restore process is not tracked on the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus Jobs and Operations page. Progress of the restore job is tracked in the File Systems File-Level Restore browser.
    Figure 5. Monitoring the restore job in the File Systems File-Level Restore browser
    Monitoring the restore job in the File Systems File-Level Restore browser.

What to do next

When the restore job is completed, remove the active resource by taking the following actions:
  1. In the navigation panel, click Jobs and Operations > Active Resources.
  2. Select the active resource that you no longer require, and click Cancel File System Restore.