Windows: Upgrading and Removing an S-TAP

Learn how to upgrade or remove S-TAPs on Windows.

Upgrade a Windows S-TAP using the command line

About this task

If a prior version of the Windows S-TAP has been installed, an upgrade can be performed from the command line using the setup program.


  1. Log on to the database server system using a system administrator account.
  2. Change to the directory containing the S-TAP® setup program.
  3. Run the setup program with the following options: setup -UNATTENDED
    Attention: Some files from the previous release will not be fully removed until the next scheduled reboot.

Remove a Windows S-TAP using Add/Remove Programs

About this task

This procedure will remove the installed S-TAP while making sure the configuration file is saved for future use.


  1. Log on to the database server system using a system administrator account.
  2. Copy the current S-TAP configuration file to a safe location (a non-Guardium directory). Look for this file in C:Program Files (x86)\IBM\Windows S-TAP\Bin\guard_tap.ini.
  3. From the Add/Remove Programs control panel, remove GUARDIUM_STAP.
    Attention: Some files will not be fully removed until the next scheduled reboot.

Remove a Windows S-TAP using the command line

About this task

This procedure will remove the installed S-TAP while making sure the configuration file is saved for future use.


  1. Log on to the database server system using a system administrator account.
  2. Copy the current S-TAP configuration file to a safe location (a non-Guardium directory). Look for this file in C:Program Files (x86)\IBM\Windows S-TAP\Bin\guard_tap.ini.
  3. Change to the directory containing the S-TAP setup program.
  4. Run the setup program with the following options: setup -UNINSTALL
    Attention: Some files will not be fully removed until the next scheduled reboot.