Setting up service authorizations to share certificates

Set up service authorization between IBM® API Connect and IBM Certificate Manager.

About this task

Authorize your V10 Reserved service to communicate with your Certificate Manager service so that your gateway certificates can be accessed by IBM API Connect.


  1. Open the IBM Cloud Dashboard.
  2. Click Manage > Access (IAM).
  3. In the Access (IAM) navigation list, click Authorizations.
  4. On the Manage authorizations page, click Create.
  5. On the Grant a service authorization page, select the following settings:
    1. In the Source service list, select API Connect.
    2. In the Source service instance list, select your reserved instance service.
    3. In the Target service list, select Certificate Manager.
    4. In the Service instance list, select your instance of the Certificate Manager service (the one that contains the certificates for your gateways).
    5. In the Service access field, select the Reader, Writer, and Manager roles.
  6. Click Authorize.