Using IBM SPSS Statistics Efficiently

In addition to focusing on specific problematic areas, you can also improve performance by adhering to the following guidelines for using IBM® SPSS® Statistics efficiently.

Data management. If you have large data files that require regular updating and are shared by users, consider doing the updates once and then releasing the files to the users for analysis. For example, if you regularly add monthly data to a file, sort it, and perform transformations, designate one person to run the job on the file. The other users can get the data they need without having to repeat the merge, sort, and transformations.

Interactive vs. batch. If you have regular, time-consuming operations that you do with IBM SPSS Statistics, consider running them from the IBM SPSS Statistics Batch Facility rather than from a client connected to the server. Use the client for building the reports, and run them from the IBM SPSS Statistics Batch Facility after the reports are ready.