SETPROG command

Use the SETPROG command for:
  • Updating the APF List (SETPROG APF)
    • Change the format of the authorized program facility (APF) list from static to dynamic, or dynamic to static
    • Add a library to a dynamic APF list
    • Delete a library from a dynamic APF list.
  • Updating Dynamic Exits (SETPROG EXIT)
    • Add an exit routine to an exit
    • Replace an exit routine for an exit
    • Change the state of an exit routine
    • Delete an exit routine from an exit
    • Undefine an implicitly-defined exit
    • Change the attributes of an exit
  • Updating LNKLST Concatenations (SETPROG LNKLST)
    • Define a LNKLST set of data sets for the LNKLST concatenation
    • Add data sets to or delete data sets from the LNKLST set
    • Remove the definition of a LNKLST set from the system
    • Test for the location of a specific module in the LNKLST concatenation
    • Activate a LNKLST set as the LNKLST concatenation for the system
    • Update an address space for jobs to use a LNKLST set.
  • Managing Dynamic LPA Content (SETPROG LPA)
    • Specify modules to add to the LPA after IPL
    • Specify modules to delete from the LPA after IPL
    • Specify the minimum amount of CSA storage that must remain available after an ADD operation.
  • Enabling protection of REFR programs (SETPROG REFRPROT)
  • Disabling protection of REFR programs (SETPROG NOREFRPROT)
  • Enabling tracking of directed load modules (SETPROG TRACKDIRLOAD)
  • Disabling tracking of directed load modules (SETPROG NOTRACKDIRLOAD)

Each subcommand of SETPROG (for example, SETPROG LNKLST,DEFINE) has a direct analog in the PROGxx parmlib member (such as the LNKLST DEFINE statement) activated by SET PROG=xx. You will get the same result whether you activate the function by SETPROG or by SET PROG=xx.