Removing an XCFAS ENQ

The XCFAS address space has an ENQ on each LNKLST data set. These ENQs provide serialization on the LNKLST data sets. An ENQ on a LNKLST data set prevents that data set from being altered as long as it is a member of an active LNKLST. There is no connection between sysplex processing and LNKLST processing.

There are times when you may want to remove the XCFAS ENQ; for example, when you want to update a data set of the same name on a different volume. Use the LNKLST UNALLOCATE statement, described in Syntax format of the LNKLST statements, or the SETPROG LNKLST,UNALLOCATE system command, described in z/OS MVS System Commands, to remove the ENQ.

LLA also holds an ENQ on each LNKLST data set. You can remove this ENQ by using the GET_LIB_ENQ(NO) option of the CSVLLAxx parmlib member, by updating LLA to REMOVE the data set from LLA management, or by stopping LLA. See CSVLLAxx (library lookaside (LLA) list). For more information about an LLA-managed data set, see Removing libraries from LLA management in the z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Guide.

After it is again OK for the system to have the ENQ, restore the previous system behavior, such as with:
  • The LNKLST ALLOCATE statement or the SETPROG LNKLST,ALLOCATE command.
  • The GET_LIB_ENQ(YES) option of the CSVLLAxx parmlib member.