GTZPRMxx (Generic Tracker parameters)

GTZPRMxx parmlib members contain statements that control the behavior of Generic Tracker. The statements are as follows, in order of importance:
  • TRACKING (enable or disable tracking)
  • EXCLUDE (add an EXCLUDE statement)
  • DEBUG (add a DEBUG statement)
  • CLEAR (reset or clear settings, statistics, and data)
  • DIAGNOSE (for service and internal analysis)
To specify which list of GTZPRMxx members that the tracking facility should consider, use one of these options:
  • The system parameter GTZ on the reply to message IEA101A at IPL time, via GTZ={xx|(xx,...,zz)}.
  • The system parameter GTZ in IEASYSxx, via GTZ={xx|(xx,...,zz)}.
  • The operator command SET GTZ={xx|(xx,...,zz)}.

Additional references and an overview for the tracking facility can be found in z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids. The overview also describes how to create GTZPRMxx (Generic Tracker) parmlib members from existing CNIDTRxx (Console Tracker) parmlib members by using the utility program GTZCNIDT.

The syntax of GTZPRMxx parmlib members is a sequence of zero or more statements. The statements have the same syntax and semantics as the corresponding SETGTZ subcommands; you only have to drop the SETGTZ command prefix. Both the SETGTZ command and the parmlib statements support keyword=value and keyword(value) syntax, but the preferred syntax for each is "keyword=value" for the SETGTZ command and "keyword(value)" for the parmlib syntax.

For more information about the SETGTZ subcommands, see the SETGTZ command in z/OS MVS System Commands.

When multiple statements are specified in a GTZPRMxx parmlib member, the parser attempts to recover from erroneous statements and will try to continue processing any remaining statements.