Deferring Write Requests

VSAM automatically defers writes for sequential PUT requests. It normally writes out the contents of a buffer immediately for direct PUT requests. With shared resources, you can cause writes for direct PUT requests to be deferred. Buffers are finally written out when:
  • You issue the WRTBFR macro.
  • VSAM needs a buffer to satisfy a GET request.
  • A data set using a buffer pool is closed. (Temporary CLOSE is ineffective against a data set that is sharing buffers, and ENDREQ does not cause buffers in a resource pool to be written.)

Deferring writes saves I/O operations when subsequent requests can be satisfied by the data in the buffer pool. If you are going to update control intervals more than once, data processing performance will be improved by deferring writes.

You indicate that writes are to be deferred by coding MACRF=DFR in the ACB, along with MACRF=LSR or GSR.
   ACB      MACRF=({LSR|GSR},{DFR|NDF},...),...

The DFR option is incompatible with SHAREOPTIONS 4. (SHAREOPTIONS is a parameter of the DEFINE command of access method services. It is described in z/OS DFSMS Access Method Services Commands.) A request to open a data set with SHAREOPTIONS 4 for deferred writes is rejected.

VSAM notifies the processing program when an unmodified buffer has been found for the current request and there will be no more unmodified buffers into which to read the contents of a control interval for the next request. (VSAM will be forced to write a buffer to make a buffer available for the next I/O request.) VSAM sets register 15 to 0 and puts 12 (X'0C') in the feedback field of the RPL that defines the PUT request detecting the condition.

VSAM also notifies the processing program when there are no buffers available to be assigned to a placeholder for a request. This is a logical error (register 15 contains 8 unless an exit is taken to a LERAD routine). The feedback field in the RPL contains 152 (X'98'). You may retry the request; it gets a buffer if one is freed.